Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Slavery in the Bahamas

What is slavery? Africans became slaves in several different ways. Describe three ways in which Africans became slaves. (10 marks) Slavery is the act or institution of which an individual is held. So therefore, that individual is a slave. A slave is someone who is held against his or her will and forced to work without pay. Slavery was present in West Africa before the Europeans went there; the only difference was that the black people were slaves to other black people. In 1493 the Portuguese claimed three islands in the Gulf of Guinea and developed African plantation slavery. The Africans were first tested for labor in tropical heat, and when they were found suitable, the first set of slaves went to Portugal and from there to the New World. After that the Portuguese dealing with African slaves changed. The first recorded transportation of African slaves to the West Indies was in 1501 but it was still too early for plantation slavery and therefore cannot be considered the beginning of the slave trade. The slave trade was carried out for approximately 300 years. It began in 1508 and ended in 1808. This marked the official beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. One way that an African might become a slave is during slave raids. A typical raid would happen in the night when all the villagers were sleeping. The village huts would be set on fire purposely by the Europeans and the villagers would run out screaming. While trying to escape they were caught and tied to a slave coffle. Those who were young and healthy were taken and those who were sickly and old were left behind. Another way that Africans would become slaves is if they had to pay off debts. If a man murdered someone, he could become a slave as a way of paying for what he did. Even if I child stole something, they could become a slave until the debt was paid off. A third way that an African could become a slave is if there was a famine. If they had plenty children, and not much food to feed them, they could put their children in another household to be fed. Their children would then have to work for their food, having no choice because they have to eat. There is many other ways that you the Africans became slaves but I only mentioned a few. Those who were captured in tribal raids were taken to the coast in a coffle and their journey from then began.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Code of Ethics Essay

The primary purpose of a code of ethics is to safeguard the welfare of clients by providing what is in their best interest. It is also designed to safeguard the public and to guide professionals in their work so that they can provide the best service possible. All professional counselors are obligated to perform by a code of ethics. The American Counseling Association (ACA) provides guidance in resolving moral problems that professionals may encounter, whereas Christian counselors not only abide by the ACA Code of Ethics but also by the American Association of Christian Counselors AACC code, which promotes excellence and brings unity to Christian counselors, and gives honor to Jesus Christ. This paper will address the broad similarities and differences between the two codes, as well as comparisons in the specific areas of Confidentiality, Sexual Intimacies and Discrimination. Codes of Ethics Comparison A code of ethics is a systematic statement of ethical standards that represent the moral convictions and guide the practice behavior of a group (Clinton and Ohlschlager, 2002). † With that in mind, every counseling discipline has an ethics code which is continuously revised and updated to stay current with emerging issue, and to promote elevated clarity and direction to the profession. Thus, the ACA and AACC codes of ethics were both created to assist their members to better serve their clients. They also define values and behavioral standards necessary for ethical counseling. Yet while they are similar in intent, they are distinct in their foundational premise. General Similarities and Differences Both codes stress the importance of â€Å"promoting the welfare of consumers, practicing within the scope of one’s competence, doing no harm to the client, protecting client’s confidentiality and privacy, acting ethically and responsibly, avoiding exploitation, and upholding the integrity of the profession by striving for aspirational practice †(Corey, p. 6). However, the biggest difference between the two codes rests in the streams of influence, whereas the AACC code is rooted in a biblical worldview. In other words, the primary goal of the AACC is â€Å"to bring honor to Jesus Christ and his church, promote excellence in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors† (AACC, 2004). However, the ACA’s goals are educational, scientific, and professional. It strives to enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity (ACA, 2005). The primary goal of the AACC is â€Å"to bring honor to Jesus Christ and is church, promote excellence in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors† (AACC, 2004) Specific Comparisons Both codes express a high priority on client confidentiality. Also, they express the value of discussing and securing written consent from the client. They also both discuss the importance of client disclosure in that protecting confidential communication is always the first response of the counselor. The counselor is mandated to disclose information in life threaten or abusive situations. However, the distinct difference between the AACC and the ACA is in the area of privileged communication. While both associations require that counselors do not disclose client information as it relates to training, research or publication, the AACC adds that â€Å"Christian counselors do not disclose confidential client communications in any supervisory, consultation, teaching, preaching, publishing, or other activity without written or other legal authorization by the client† (AACC, 2004). The ACA and the AACC codes differ greatly in the concept of sexual Intimacies. In fact, The ACA (2005) used the term â€Å"sexual or romantic interactions or relationship†. In other words The ACA (2005) does not forbid, but sets guidelines pertaining to any participation of sexual or romantic interaction with any current or formal clients for a period of 5 years following the last professional contact. However, the AACC declared that all forms of sexual interactions or relationships outside of marriage are unethical. The only exception to this rule is marriage, which the AACC (2004) declared as â€Å"honorable before God†. Thus, guidelines have been appropriated to allow for such a case. In addition, Christian counselors are also forbidden to counsel current or former sexual partners and or marital partners. (AACC, 2004 )Discrimination can result in serious problems for both the people that hold them and the people that they are prejudiced against. Both associations agree that non-discrimination is the best practice, for clients should not be denied service based on age, religion, sexual orientation etc. However, the AACC maintains its biblical perspective in that counselors are to encourage biblical principles. While Christian counselors must not discriminate, they also cannot condone certain practices that conflict with biblical principles. For instance, in the area of sexual orientation, Christian counselors will not deny service. However they will â€Å"encourage sexual celibacy or biblically prescribed sexual behavior while such issues are being addressed† (AACC, 2004). Conclusion There are many similarities and differences relating to the code of ethics for the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) and the American Counseling Association (ACA). Through these areas we realize that the code of ethics sets boundaries and regulations for all professional counselors and without them, counselors could not be effective or productive in their true calling.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What effect does the pressure of standardized testing have on student Thesis Proposal - 1

What effect does the pressure of standardized testing have on student expectations and performance - Thesis Proposal Example oposed research will play a significant role in enabling educators to improve the process of standardized testing that may result in a positive impact on students’ performance rather than vice versa. Research Questions In order to collect data, the researcher has identified following questions that will enable the researcher in fulfilling abovementioned aims and objectives of the proposed research: You need to paste your questionnaire here LITERATURE REVIEW The statement â€Å"What effect does the pressure of standardized testing have on student expectations and performance?† has come under many studies, researches and theories since it is one of the most vital and significant subject of concern for the youth of twenty first century as they are living in the world of paramount competition. This topic has been under constant discussions and disputes with many controversial results amongst the academic researchers, professors and lecturers, and parents as everybody has a different perspective on the influence and performance on students of the standardized testing. However, the preliminary concept of standardized testing has emerged in order to assess and calculate the knowledge, understanding, and efficiency of students within the academic learning systems that comes under practice in the United States and many other countries. In addition, education systems even exercise the standardized testing with a purpose to establish, form and outline the program of study for the students according to their performance and skills level (Henningfeld, 2007).   Various educational institutions carry out numerous standardized tests as eligibility criteria of admission in the college or school all around the world includes â€Å"Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT), Graduate Management... The statement â€Å"What effect does the pressure of standardized testing have on student expectations and performance?† has come under many studies, researches and theories since it is one of the most vital and significant subject of concern for the youth of twenty first century as they are living in the world of paramount competition. This topic has been under constant discussions and disputes with many controversial results amongst the academic researchers, professors and lecturers, and parents as everybody has a different perspective on the influence and performance on students of the standardized testing. However, the preliminary concept of standardized testing has emerged in order to assess and calculate the knowledge, understanding, and efficiency of students within the academic learning systems that comes under practice in the United States and many other countries. In addition, education systems even exercise the standardized testing with a purpose to establish, form and outline the program of study for the students according to their performance and skills level (Henningfeld, 2007). Various educational institutions carry out numerous standardized tests as eligibility criteria of admission in the college or school all around the world includes â€Å"Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT), Graduate Management Aptitude Tests (GMAT), Law School Admission Testing (LSAT) and Medical College Admission Tests (MCAT) and numerous others† (Henningfeld, 2007).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Insurance Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Insurance Model - Essay Example The consumers have standard preferences defined over consumption. If P is the probability of the loss, then the consumers expected utility is: Thus, we can have the following indifference curve: It is simple to show that this leads to negatively sloped convex indifference curves. The slope of the indifference curves are: The high risk and low risk groups differ in their probabilities of incurring the loss. The probability of accident of an individual consumer belonging to the high risk group is PH and that of one belonging to the low risk group is PL, where PH> PL. Figure 1 below shows the indifference curves for a particular utility level for representative agents from the two groups. Observe that since PH> PL the indifference curves for the high risk type will have flatter slopes (less negative). Figure 1: Indifference curves for the high risk and the low risk consumers The monopolist The monopolist’s objective is to maximize its expected profits or alternatively minimize it s expected costs by trading with the consumer. The monopolist offers a pair of contingent claims (G,B) which realize in the good (No loss) and bad (loss) states in return for the consumers initial endowment. The expected costs of the monopolist are equal to: We can form the Iso-cost function for the monopolist as follows: Evidently, these are straight lines with a slope of . Observe that since PH> PL the Iso-cost line for the high risk type will have a flatter slope (less negative). Thus, the iso-cost lines for the High risk type and the low risk type can be drawn as follows: Figure 2: The iso-cost lines for the monopolist insurer for high risk and low risk contracts – C(H) represents the iso cost line for the high risk types and C(L) represents the isocost line for the low risk type. The separating equilibrium under asymmetric information Recall that asymmetric information is a situation where one or some of the players of the game have private information. In the present co ntext the asymmetric information is manifested in the form of consumers having private information since they know whether they belong to high risk or low risk groups. The firm does not know any particular agents type. However, the monopolist is perfectly aware of the exact probability distribution of consumer types. A separating equilibrium in the present context would be one where the high risk types choose a contract that is different from the contract chosen by the low risk types. The monopolist firm’s objective is to minimize its costs subject to the participation constraint or the individual rationality constraint and the incentive compatibility constraint of the consumer. The participation constraint requires that the contract offered by the firm provides him at least as much expected utility as the consumer’s initial endowment. This implies that for any consumer to accept the firms offer, the contract has to lie on or above the indifference curve through the in itial endowment. The incentive compatibility constraint on the other hand requires that consumers of either type do not find it beneficial to accept the contract devised for the other type. It is essentially the satisfaction of this constraint that leads to the separating equilibrium. In terms of indifference curves, the incentive compatibility constraint requires that the contract for the high type lies on or below the low types indifference curve

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analize the Dynacorp case throught political lenses Essay

Analize the Dynacorp case throught political lenses - Essay Example Conclusion/Tying It All Together 12 References 14 I. Overview- Analysis of the Dynacorp Case Using the Political Lens The end result in terms of organizational design in the case of Dynacorp, as reflected in the case details, is one where the organization has agreed to transition from a functional organization to a front/back design, with the greatest impact being seen in the marketing organization, which has transitioned into three customer operations arenas or groups, representing the US, Latin America/Europe, and the United States. The case, moreover, focuses on the reorganization at the US Customer Operations Group, and the massive sets of issues and challenges that have come with such a reorganization. The focus of this paper is on this transition to the front/back organizational design and on the changes in the US Customer Operations group, where Carl Greystone is the External Vice President and head of the group. The essence of the changes in the US Customer Operations group i s the transition into customer teams that act as consultant teams to companies, in place of old sales teams that focused on getting the sale rather than giving the customers exactly what they want and offering the requisite support to get the job done, including consulting support on systems integration and a focus on finding solutions to problems. As Mr. Greystone notes, the essence of this transition is finding and addressing customer needs: â€Å"Customer teams now function as consultants by helping the customers identify their needs and providing high-quality products, integrated solutions, and customized services to fit those needs† (Ancona et al., 2009, pp. M2-85- M2-88). As discussed in the book, the political lens sees the organization in terms of conflicts of interests, power, and goals among individuals and groups within the organization, and the way to understand the dynamics of political conflict is to understand who has power, where that power comes from, the bas is of the power and how much power the different parties in the organization have. As the discussion notes: â€Å"In the political perspective, the roots of conflict lie in different and competing interests, and disagreements require political action, including negotiation, coalition building, and the exercise of power and influence.† The key concerns of players in the political perspective of the organization revolve around who defines the problems and the agenda, and where they get the power to do so; who the parties advocating solutions are, and why they are advocating such solutions; how a particular group is to procure an outcome or outcomes that are favorable to its own interests (Ancona et al., 2009, p. M2-33). The paper follows the different prescribed analytical steps for the political lens, from mapping and understanding the interests and power of stakeholders through mapping, to procuring buy-in, to coalition-building and the search for allies. The paper also defin es key terms related to the political lens as it goes through the prescribed analytical steps (Ancona et al., 2009. pp. M2-28- M2-58; M2-85 - M2-90). II. Stakeholder Power, Interests Mapping A. Identification, Mapping of Stakeholders, Most Important Stakeholder Interests. Identification of Underlying Interests Driving Interests That Are Stated Explicitly Interests and power are the two defining considerations in the political lens of the organization. Interests refer to the interests of stakeholders in an organization and what those

Outline a basic model of interpersonal communication Essay

Outline a basic model of interpersonal communication - Essay Example [4] First and foremost are the verbal communication skills. There are five communication skills in human beings that determine the ability (to communicate).Two for sending; writing and speaking and two receiving skills; reading and listening. The fifth skill namely reasoning, affects all the above mentioned skills and is important to both sending and receiving. [1] The second factor is that of Knowledge or more precisely the level of knowledge about the subject in focus during communication (of either the sender or receiver). Take for example an electrical engineer talking to a doctor on medical issues might be ill at ease and vice versa since the knowledge domains of the two are entirely different. AT the same time, however both might be quite comfortable in discussing the current political situation. [1] The position of the sender and the receiver in their respective social systems is also one factor that affects the nature of communication. The position can be looked at from different dimensions such as those of age, gender, religion or other demographic factors as well as social status, income level e.t.c. one can either be in a similar, higher, or lower position in their respective social systems.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Delegation in Nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Delegation in Nursing - Term Paper Example Nursing like any other profession must delegate as per the guidelines, policies, and procedures of the nursing profession. This includes the nurses’ job description, which dictates what to delegate or not. According to Cohen, as quoted in an educational journal of North Carolina, guidelines for professional delegation of care call for particular requirements otherwise called rights. These rights include the right task for an individual to perform, the right person to perform the care for the patient, the right information to describe desired patients outcome, and the right supervision to ensure that the task is carried out safely are the guidelines for every nurse (Rhom, n.d). A nurse must ensure that every UAP they delegate to is able to carry out instructions, that the outcome of the tasks delegated will meet the required standards, and that proper supervision and support is offered in performance of the tasks. Delegation does not take responsibility away from the delegating nurse. Nurses remain responsible for any delegated tasks big or small, clinical or non-clinical. This means that proper supervision of delegated tasks is crucial to enable juniors meet professional standards. Lack of supervision or poor delegation of task is quite significant. It can lead to loss of a job of the delegating nurse, liability claims, or licence revocation. According to Cox as quoted in the journal of Royal College of Nursing, â€Å"the law imposes a duty of care on nurses, doctors, and UAP’s where it is â€Å"reasonably foreseeable† that they might cause harm to patients through their actions or their failure to act† (2011). Nurses and their juniors must perform their tasks competently since they owe a duty of care to the patients and a legal liability. Some problems may arise where some Nurses fear to delegate due to lack of trust to their juniors, they believe that they can do it better. Insecurity, time involved in explaining the task and subor dinate resistance to delegation are some of the challenges facing delegation in nursing. Proper training on delegation and proper job descriptions will ease the delegation process. The ANA Standards of care and the State Nurse Practise Act provides general guidelines to what to delegate or not. A registered Nurse must evaluate capabilities of an UAP as they review individualized plan of care for patients. Some of the tasks for delegation are direct patient care activities such as taking a record of pressure, respirations, pulse rates, and temperature. Indirect care activities such as cleaning of equipments, errands such as delivering a tray with some items, clerical tasks, and stock of patient maintenance can be delegated. Initial evaluation of the patient, evaluation of a patients’ progress, performing a Nurses’ diagnoses, discussing patients issue with the physician, and updating patients’ plan of care are tasks that should never be delegated. Before delegatin g, it is necessary that a registered nurse evaluate if the task to be delegated is in the best interest of the patient, that the task worker understands the task, that he has the skills and competence to perform the task. The role must be within the workers job description and that he accepts the responsibility. Teamwork involves formation of groups by management to solve specific tasks after which such teams are dissolved. All registered nurses have

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Chinese film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese film - Essay Example In the essay, I will be using the film, Comrades: Almost a Love Story (Chan, 1996), in order to illustrate how individuals’ lives or identities are transformed in certain ways in the film for being a fan of the popular star. Using the characters’ Li Xiao Ju and Li Qiao, I will examine how their lives have been transformed for being fans of a certain star in the movie. The film spans over several years that involve Li Xiao, who is a Mainlander moving to Hong Kong in order to get himself a job, and Li Qiao, also a Mainlander moves to Hong Kong and tries to be a successful entrepreneur through the selling of Teresa Teng’s cassette tapes and in search for a better live (Peter, 1996). She also does other odd jobs such as selling flowers and other employments. Li Xiao is assisted by his aunt in getting a job as a delivery man. Li Xiao has moved to Hong Kong in hopes of earning enough money that will enable him to go back home in order to marry his fiancà ©. While Li Xiao seems to be earnest and uncertain in regards to things Li Qiao, on the other hand, is smooth, quick and efficient when setting and following her dream and goals. Their difference in their personal traits is also evident in the type of wage earnings that each assumes when they arrive in Hong Kong. As we will come to find out in the film, theyre different in person trait will because of Li Qiao’s live transformation by the songs of Teresa Teng. Because of how Li Qiao emulates, and her passion for Teresa as she is associated with popular culture makes her be an ambitious and hardworking lady. It is clear that the life of Li Qiao has been transformed in some way for being a fan of a popular star. As an immigrant, she does not have any apparent kin who could help her get a job or an apartment. However, she is able to get herself a job as a counter clerk at

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

New York City as a Cultural Environment Assignment

New York City as a Cultural Environment - Assignment Example This assignment discusses art as a very valuable part of life, that brings beauty to ther environment and provides instances for rational and emotional reflection. However, the few people who do not appreciate it view it as unnecessary and perky. Art has been very important in New York City having given the city its impressive nature. Art is usually taken as the key illustration of something with essential value rather than just instrumental. The permanent collections found in the museums are all created for the public good and they are all representation of art which depict different ideas. There has been great movement in the history of art and this has seen New York grow to what it is today in the world of entertainment and tourist attraction. However, the commercialization of art has been a big challenge although it has made it possible for us to realize the value of art according to Fenner. Music, acting, literature, architecture, sculptures and museums are all forms of art whic h express a lot about life hence proving the importance and value of art in our daily life. To those who have the talent in art, it is a highly valuable activity which can earn them a living. It helps them to grow in their thinking and exposes them to many opportunities. The researcher then concluds that aeveloping interest in the works of art requires one to develop a deep understanding of the environment be able to comprehend things happening in daily life and this was a very challenging part of his life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MGT5780 Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGT5780 Final Exam - Assignment Example In addition, there is no formal training program for project managers. In most cases, they learn from experiences and failures in management of projects. As such, there is little known about project management. This makes the profession lack people who have the dream to be part of it. The managers, therefore, accidentally become part of the project and later a project manager with only the ad hoc training. Since project management is necessary, measures should be made to reflect this importance in how companies handle project management as a profession (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). Figure 2 represents the types of managers and how they are affected by politics. I would place myself in the category of politically sensible project manager. Politics is important in life as they are in the project. It is through the politics that projects that favor the community are established funded and supported. To further the goals of the project, politic consciousness is a necessity. This does not however mean dependent on politics or taking advantage of politics (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). Project management can be ruined by poor politics and in some cases, political figures may seem to support projects that favor their course without regard to the project objectives. Overdependence on politics, therefore, makes the politicians use a project as a vehicle to realize personal goals after which they abandon the project. Of the 12 guidelines proposed in the case study, those that can be said to be related to the need to understand the reasons for a project are; understanding the context of a project, understanding the needs of all the project stakeholders, understanding the meaning of success in the context of the project and remembering what you are trying to achieve. This is a crucial category of guidelines as they help the project manager to establish a course to follow and objectives to meet in the course (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). In

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nowadays, Food Has Become Easier to Prepare Essay Example for Free

Nowadays, Food Has Become Easier to Prepare Essay Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes, from a period when he hunted for his food to the present era when man is dependent on preprocessed foods. During this period not only has man changed his mode of eating but his whole lifestyle as well. In pursuit of more in this competitive world, man no longer has time as he once had. He is caught in a race against the clock. A person who finishes more in lesser time is considered more efficient. This pressure to do more in less time has affected his eating habits as well and, as a result, man no longer has time to cook food. Early mans only objective was to seek food to sustain him and his family. Nowadays finding food has taken a back seat to other priorities, such as career and education. Food is no longer of that importance. This is not an encouraging trend. People are too dependent on preprocessed or precooked food, which no longer has the freshness it once had. Such foods loose their mineral and vitamin content and are not as healthy as fresh food. That is why the number of diseases is also rising. People have also shifted to high calorie content food like French fries, pizzas, and ice cream, etc., which is causing obesity, fatigue, etc. As man is becoming busy and too involved in his busy schedule, he has no time even to take care of his own personal needs. Furthermore, cooking is an art which is dying out. People once enjoyed cooking . It was a means of eliminating stress and tension. People were once able to relax during this time and reflect on their lives. People may tend to argue that by using precooked and preprocessed food they are efficiently using time and can use this precious time saved for other purposes. But is it really worth it? This is a question whose answer can invite much speculation about whether by saving this little time we are inviting lots of other problems, which could easily be avoided. It is actually making our lives not simpler but more complicated. We have lost many of the simpler things in our lives, like the simple acts of selecting our evening meal, preparing it, and enjoying it with our loved ones, and we are worse off for it.

African American Injustice Essay Example for Free

African American Injustice Essay â€Å"In the eyes of white Americans, being black encapsulates your identity. † In reading and researching the African American cultural group, this quote seemed to identify exactly the way the race continues to still be treated today after many injustices in the past. It is astonishing to me that African Americans can still stand to be treated differently in today’s society. In reading â€Å"Blacks in America†, Andrew Hacker states that â€Å"being black in America has consequences in areas of: wealth, identity, raising children, occupational opportunities, place of residence, and treatment in the criminal justice system. † To be honest, and I feel bad saying that I already knew this was happening to African Americans. I have heard stories of blacks not getting jobs; regardless of how qualified they are for the position, because of the color of their skin. I have heard stories, and even witness black children getting picked on in school because of the simple fact that they are black. I watched a video in school where a black family moved into a white neighborhood, and before long all the white families had moved out because they didn’t want a black family in their neighborhood. This was confirmed by Hacker in my research in the quote, â€Å"Almost all residential areas are entirely black or white. † I have also seen videos of African American men getting beaten by white arresting officers, and have heard stories of many black men being stereotyped by policemen. This must be why Hacker states â€Å"When white people hear the cry, â€Å"the police are coming! † it almost always means, â€Å"Help is on the way. † However blacks cannot make the same assumption. † These are all reports and events that I think the average American has seen before, but yet most people, including myself, continue to just shrug of and ignore. I guess it’s something that I might have subconsciously accepted, or maybe refused to think more deeply about. In reading and researching, I reaffirmed knowledge that I refused to take a greater note of. I wouldn’t say I learned anything new, because I knew what I wanted to focus on. A quote from Andrew Hacker’s article summarizes the above best, â€Å"In the eyes of white Americans, being black encapsulates your identity. † It may be easy to tell how I am going to focus this anthology. I am going to focus it on the injustices that African Americans continue to face in the United States today. That being, I know exactly what I need to get out of my interviewees, but it is probably a sensitive subject for some of the people I need to interview. I am not black, and I don’t know what it feels like to face this discrimination in everyday life. I can understand the tenderness that African Americans must feel then, when revealing and talking about their experiences with discrimination. I would think then, that it must be especially sensitive to talk about with a person from the race that they receive this everyday discrimination. It will be interesting to hear all the different types of prejudice that my interviewees have received throughout their lives. I would imagine that it ranges from just a look, or the way white Americans act around them, to voiced and physical altercations between themselves and white Americans. Hacker at times seems to be speaking directly to African Americans as he describes these altercations, â€Å"So many of the contacts you have with them (white Americans) are stiff and uneasy, hardly worth the effort. † But to me, that is exactly what the problem is. Why would it not be worth the effort? The first step to take for the uneasiness between the two races to cease to exist is for us (all people) to stop seeing color because once we act differently around the other is where all the problems seem to start. The second step is to make these contacts worth the effort. If we choose to continue to stay in our own comfortable circle of race, when is the problem ever going to end? The answer is never. My opinion as a white 18 year old is that most of the blame lies on the white race. Imagine being eyed every time you go into a store, having your car searched for no reason, or greeted warily at restaurants all because the color of your skin is different. We ignore this daily discrimination because no cares enough anymore to take notice that it happens every hour, every day somewhere in the United States. Will it ever stop? Not until we each take the steps to make it. A recent census commercial I’ve seen said â€Å"We (United States) can’t move forward until you mail it back. † I believe that our country can’t move forward and truly be great until we make sure these daily discriminations are eliminated from our society. In this project, I will interview African Americans on their personal experiences with discrimination, how they handle it, and if they think anything can be done about this problem. Sources: Andrew. 1999. Blacks in America. Pp. 160-168 in The Meaning of Sociology, 6th ed. , edited by Joel Charon. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. A Time to Kill. Dir. Joel Schumacher. 1996. African American History. University of Washington Libraries. Web. 02 Apr. 2010. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The extinction of the dinosaurs

The extinction of the dinosaurs Was it an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs? The extinction of the dinosaurs started in the cretaceous period, around 65 million years ago, and caused the loss of up to 70% of all life on earth. The way in which the dinosaurs died is a much argued topic which can be explained by a lot of theories one of which is the Asteroid theory. The Asteroid theory There are a lot of reasons to suggest that an asteroid did hit the earth but there are much less reasons to suggest that it did kill the dinosaurs. Walter Alvarez and colleagues brought the asteroid collision theory to attention in 1980 which links the extinction event to a Bolide (an object that cannot be described as a comet, asteroid or meteorite) hitting the earth at just the right speed to cause cataclysmic damage to the Earth. Much of the evidence now suggests that a 5 to 15kilometer wide bolide hit in the vicinity of the Yucatan Peninsula, forming the Chicxulub Crater and started the mass extinction. Some scientists propose that the bolide caused a long drop in Earths atmospheric temperature (Causing the ice age); while others claim that it would have instead created an unusual heat wave. Scientists are not certain whether dinosaurs were thriving or declining before the impact event. Before the asteroid hit, the earth was on a straight axis, it had to be at some point, so this shows that the asteroid hit the earth at such a speed and at a certain angle to knock it off its axis to how it is now, which may show that the dinosaurs could then not cope with the earths new position and died because of it. Also the asteroid hitting the earth would cause a chain reaction of volcano explosions, earthquakes and other storms which may have spanned thousands of years and we may still be suffering the effects of these today. The soot and debris from the impact would have blocked out the suns rays. This would eventually kill the dinosaurs through lack of vitamin D. Agree? The asteroid theory is the most accepted one because there is more evidence that proves it than evidence that disproves the theory. Like the tilt the world is on at the moment couldnt be the same tilt the word was on at first, it must have been thrown off its tilt some time, and this asteroid is the perfect example of this. Another thing that agrees with that theory is dinosaurs died out in the cretaceous period, the same year the asteroid hit the earth. A crater can be found in the Gulf of Mexico on the Yucatan peninsula which dates back 65 million years ago, to the cretaceous period of time. Disagree? The one thing I would disagree with is the fact that scientists have found out that dinosaurs have died out over a long period of time after it would have hit and the asteroid would have wiped out the dinosaurs and most life on earth over a short period of time. Effects on marine life As a result of the asteroid hitting the levels of oxygen in the sea would have decreased as deep sea water was dragged to the surface by huge under water currents. Plankton would have died because of this sudden change in environment and temperature, as a consequence there was a huge collapse of the food chain, and certain animals would have died because of this collapse. Acid rain may also have increased the acidity of the sea, killing vulnerable species. Problems with the theory The asteroid theory is the most popular one although problems with this still puzzle scientists. There are still dinosaur fossils from the time of the asteroid impact that palaeontologists have not yet found, and there is no evidence to prove that the dinosaurs didnt die out before the impact. In fact, before the Chicxulub asteroid impacted, dinosaurs had been steadily declining for tens of thousands of years. During the life of the earth, many mass extinction events have taken place, and a large number of asteroids have hit the planet. There is no hard evidence that would suggest that the impacts have caused mass extinctions. Some species are climate sensitive, such as frogs, and these survived the cretaceous extinction event, we still have them today. This brings into question what effect in the long term does an asteroid impact actually have on the environment? The asteroid theory still remains the strongest one, in spite of the problems, for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Why the dinosaurs became extinct may not lie with one explanation but with a series of events, asteroid impacts and mass volcanic eruptions all combining together causing the climate to be unbearable to most living creatures. Was this a case of the creatures being in the wrong place at the wrong time in history? Conclusion My conclusion on this subject is that I side with those that believe it was an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs because the evidence points more towards the asteroid than other theories. However as there is yet any real hard evidence to prove this I cannot say defiantly that this is the case. The reason that the dinosaurs became extinct is an argument that scientists will disagree on for many, many years to come. No doubt one day in the future, a scientist doing some routine research will accidentally stumble across the missing piece of this long time puzzle. Website list/Preferences

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reflection Upon A Critical Incident Essay -- Reflective Practice Nursi

Reflection has its importance in clinical practice; we always seek to be successful and that can be achieved by learning every day of our life through experiences we encounter. In that way we can reconsider and rethink our previous knowledge and add new learning to our knowledge base so as to inform our practice. Learning new skills does not stop upon qualifying; this should become second nature to thinking professionals as they continue their professional development throughout their careers (Jasper, 2006). In keeping within current legislation on the protection and respect of an individuals’ right of anonymity, (Polit and Beck 2007), and to confidentiality, (Munhall 2007), any and all possible identifiable characteristics of the client have either been altered or omitted entirely where the potential for identification of the client was seen as possible or probable. The incident I will describe occurred when I was working in a regional hospital where we handled a large number of cases each year, with a range of specialties. The incident concerns ventilator-associated pneumonia and the use of CASS. John Baptiste Moliere stated "It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.(Von Wartburg, 1991)† Accountability is being able to give reason to something that was done and to take responsibility for any errors made. Professional nurses are accountable in several areas including accountability to the public, client, profession, employer and self (Hood, 2013, p. 307). The public is aware that they have the right to receive the best care possible by professionals in the medical field (Hood, 2013, p. 307). Nurses must be competent in their abilities to provide safe effective care to their pa... ...Clin Infectious Disease 2010 Aug 1;51 Suppl 1:S59-66. doi: 10.1086/653051. Cawley M. (2007) Mechanical ventilation: a tutorial for pharmacists. harmacotherapy. 2007 Feb;27(2):250-66. Hood, L. (2013) Leddy & Pepper's Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2013 Von Wartburg, Walter. (1991) How to Lead with Genius: Words of Wisdom for the Common Sense Manager. Jasper, M. (2006) Professional Development, Reflection and Decision-making (Vital Notes for Nurses), Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition 15 Nov 2006 Munhall, P. (2007) Nursing research: A qualitative perspective. 4th Ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Sudbury. p523. Polit, D., Beck, C. (2007) Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. 8th Ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia. p180.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The South Could Not Win the Civil War :: American America History

The South Could Not Win the Civil War "The South could never have won the Civil War," is a true statement, reflecting the various ways in which the Southern states attempted to fight a losing battle from the beginning. The economic dependency of the South on cotton on slavery was obvious, whereas the North had diversified and sufficiently. The advantage also lay with the North for reasons such as better communication and transportation, and even more soldiers. The leadership in the North under Abraham Lincoln was far superior to the less savvy Jefferson Davis. It is also a fair argument to say that the just cause always overcomes, and morally, slavery was not just at all. In the 1850's the North was more populous and urban, due to all the Irish and German immigrants that traveled to the states. By1860, 9 out of the 10 biggest cities were in the North. The North also had 70% of the railroads, and more telegraph lines to send messages instantly. The North had a lot more industry also, with its 10,000 factories that brought in $1.5 billion dollars in goods compared to the South's 20,000 that brought in $155 million.(Source 1) The South did, however, have more slaves and more cotton. This was not any sort of military advantage, and merely made it more obvious to the North how desperate the South was to keep its peculiar institution running. Additionally, the first attack at Fort Sumter was poorly organized and was expected by the North. Lincoln had wanted to attack, but waited so as to retain the sympathies of any Northern moderates. The South's attack played into what he wanted. Once the war began, the military expertise of Ulysses S. Grant for the North made it an uphill battle for the South. His military skill alone was enough to give Robert E. Lee's forces in the South serious problem, but the Union army also greatly outnumbered the South's troops. Though Lee would prove to be a worthy general, his strategic downfall at Gettysburg would begin the inevitable loss for the South. (Source 2) In conclusion, it was obvious from the beginning of the Civil War that the South would not win the war. This having been said, Robert E. Lee was a fine general, but was simply without enough soldiers to lead a successful uprising.

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

There's a recurring question that often presents itself at different points in our lives. We ask it to ourselves in private and are asked by others at any given time. It comes from those we are yet to know well and from those who can see us with their eyes closed. It goes to the tune of, "What do you want to do someday?" or "What do you want to be?" and it rarely comes with a monosyllabic reply. The routine "I don't know," or shrug are devoted companions of this question, though every now and then an individual can focus the future before his or her eyes and give it a name. For the rest of us, the specifics may still be hazy. I can say with certainty that my response to this questions is consistently inarticulate. I do take solace, however, in the fact that it would be difficult for anyone to form a sentence when countless possible futures crash into their heads and rain down indecision and excited apprehension. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" is difficult to answer for many reasons. It is not challenging simply because of all the choices we have, but also because it f...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Protecting staff through legislation Essay

Understand how equal pay and minimum wage laws affect business Understand the laws against discrimination at work and during recruitment Understand employment rights of workers Understand health and safety laws A minority of small businesses will treat staff unfairly; to protect them is the legislation Act. Equal Pay Act – Created in 1970 the equal pay act means a person of a different sex cannot be paid less simply because they are a girl/boy. An example of this is football; premiership football players get paid well over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500,000 yet the players on the girl’s team only get paid a fraction of it. If the owner of a company is doing this he/she would be breaking the laws. Minimum Wage Act – Only enforced 11 years ago, the minimum wage act was made as many companies were taking advantage of people needing jobs and paying them a tiny amount of money. Discrimination Legislation – First introduced in 1976 and then again in 1996 the discrimination act prevents candidates skin colours, backgrounds, religions or even disabilities to be a factor in the owner deciding weather he/she gets the job. Employment Rights – To give employees the right to take sick pay, maternity/paternity leave and holidays. Health And Safety Acts – The right to be safe in the working environment. If this was not a law then if someone is injured for example because someone forgot to wipe water off a keyboard after spilling water onto it and it giving the employee an electric shock then the company could get away with it and blame the employee. Legislation acts are laws enforced by the government. Without them there would be complete kayos. Companies would immediately cut costs and thousands of people would suffer. For example if a company could get a hold of a person to do something for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1 an hour when they are currently paying à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6 an hour they would happily take the other person onboard.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effects of Rape

Psychological effectuate of Rape A dupe oft suffers intense stirred up and mental receptions in a flash later on(prenominal) a misdemeanor. These give the gate be described as personal crises where the victim relives the fear, agony or anxiety, mixed with emotional noniceings. For most entrancement victims, the reactions begin days or weeks after the go bad and pass on some eras decrease after cardinal to six months. However, disturbing emotions combined with grim self-respect and knowledgeable dysfunction whitethorn last for a year or more for some. Survivors each(prenominal)ow app argonnt feel anger, depression, anxiety, and perhaps meet a habitual sense that everything is f every last(predicate)ing a demote.This phase is frequently marked by recurring nightm bes, a generalized carriage of anxiety, and flashbacks to the attack. While these feelings argon disturbing, they are a radiation diagram reaction to a trauma and are part of the healing litiga te. Often it is at this time that survivors seek assistance from trained professionals who gutter help to put their lives back in concert and recover from bodge-related post-traumatic stress. Even massive after a sexual shame, some reactions may be triggered by people, places or things connected, or seemingly unconnected, to the assault.These are called triggers and they are difficult, simply common. Defense tools such as denial, curtailment and dissociation are common among loot victims. The function of suppression is to block place the strong emotions and thereby escape the pestiferous feelings for a short time which apprize be psychologically very exhausting. Denying or putting the worst parts of the assault forbidden of the memory allows the cross victims to fill out with their altercation. Dissociation is a defensive structure mechanism which squirt be employed during awing strong-arm or psychological aversion impossible to escape.This technique provides a f eeling of leaving ones body, making the trauma harder to remember, particularly the details. Defense mechanisms like these may shanghai the victims ability and motivation to talk to the highest degree the abuse they suffered. Professionals and health care force out has to strongly take this into consideration composition talking to a rape victim. another(prenominal) long-lasting traumatic reactions following rape may be hyper-vigilance, avoidance of genuine thoughts, feelings and situations that remind the victim of the abuse. Avoidance behaviors inspection and repair as a psychological acknowledgment against severe anxiety and tend to be long-lasting.Research evinces that a persons normal realize-capacity may be disrupted for as long as eight months after the rape. picture is one of the most common make of a rape victim and it can last for months. Suicide episodes begin to fleet along with the depression. Sleep disturbances are excessively common, especially if the victim was assaulted in her suffer bed. approximately examples of how a victims lifestyle may change after rape are that she may stop opening the limen if alone at home, stop using the laundromat, avoid going out after dark, and avoid social interactions, especially with men.I have a friend that was assail years ago and she only eats at restaurants that deliver her food. I abominate that she cant enjoy her life because, she is still young and has a bay window going for herself. Spousal rape regaining an souls psychological pass on more than stranger rape. It is longer-lasting than stranger rape because, it is carried out by a indisputable individual whose trust is now damaged. on-going violence and rape inwardly a close relationship may expiry in effects comparable to those of distortion and war. Due to the repeated violence, the effects receive even more difficult to work through, leading to deeper wounds.Many times, marital rape involves a combination of several types of crimes, such as physical harm, threats and property damage. all(a) this a lot intensify the trauma surroundings can play a capacious role in the recovery process after a rape. It is important for the victim to be able to talk active the assault without world interrupted and questioned as a person. Therapy may be inevitable to help the victim work through the traumatic experience. It is important that the char is not made to feel guilt or indebtedness after a sexual assault because that may harm kind of of help.The immediate care by health care professionals and doctors is overly very important. Some important points to cover are The forbearing moldinessiness be informed near examinations and tests that pass on be done and wherefore. The diligent must neer be leftover alone in the time lag area, and the waiting time should be kept as short as possible. The patient must be informed that certain questions have to be communicateed, and why it is necessary t o ask them. The immediate social situation must be evaluated. Does the patient have somebody to stay with her over night? Does she wishing to be admitted to the hospital or strike to stay home from work?Was a police report filed? Unfortunately, reactions from society often involve some blame of the victims give birth behavior. It is not unusual that the victim blames herself for the rape, and the publics emplacement has an effect on that action. Blame and disbelieve by the public most likely stem from their consume psychological defense system rather than from an uncaring attitude. This expectation is partly a result of an unconscious conviction that those who behave appropriately will escape trouble, which also strengthen our own sense of security and secure.Another ground is that placing blame on the victim relieves oneself of the responsibility to take action and help. Resistance and self-defence is another technique rape victims go for out. The culprits first objective is to gain control of the victim so the rape can be completed. Some strategies are physical violence, threatening violence, scare-tactics and the use of alcohol or other drugs. Another strategy is that the culprit first attempts to gain the victims trust and draw a situation she cannot get out of.Strategies vary, depending on the situation, the relationship amidst perpetrator and victim as head as on the perpetrators intent. All investigations clearly show that women who have been raped tended to avoid to stand pat. This is uncoiled for both marital and stranger rapes. No defense is presumed to be the best defense, provided the lack of resistance could be held against the victim later in court. Research in this area points to deuce things Attempts by the woman to exert herself against aggression and rape in her own home are rarely fortunate. Physical resistance is also rare within a marriage.To actively defend oneself and physically and verbally resist the perpetrator d ecrease the seek for completed rape by a stranger. By and large, the risk for injuries does not appear to be high because the woman resisted, even if the common doctrine is that it is safest not to resist. Traditionally, women learn that no resistance is the best strategy in a rape situation. However, there are two obvious problems with this viewpoint. First, the non-resistance may be apply against them in court and, second, new seek shows that women who physically resist an assault by a stranger have a good chance to avoid being raped.Research like this must never be interpreted in a way which places resonsibility on those who are ineffectual to or too afraid to resist or whose resistance was not effective. The situation is, and must always be, that the perpetrator is amenable for his actions. This is especially relevant when speaking of rape within the marriage, where resistance appear to be both more dangerous as well as rare. The most successful resistance strategies oft en talked about are kicking the assailant hard between the legs, pulling his hair, poking him hard in the eyes, and digging with the nails or other objects.At the uniform time, the woman must also try to generate a way to escape. As a result of the newer research, girls and women are now more often advance to take self-defense classes. However, this type of resistance does not appear to have the same effect on rape within the marriage. Men who assault and rape women in close relationships must be held responsible and prosecuted. They should also be offered appropriate individual or group psychotherapy. Women and their children also indispensability help and support to leave an ignominious relationship, and offered better protection as well as psychotherapy if needed.Rapists come from all areas of society. Many times, they live in normal relationships with other women. Research has been done to find specific biological and personal intellects to why men rape, but the results v ary. Therefore, it is difficult to crack a particular biological reason or personality trait of the natural rapist. . Victims of rape are found in all classes of society and are of all ages. However, one common factor emerges almost every rape victim will have some kind of psychological problem afterwards.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the matter A crafty few ideas which may help you craft an effective and intriguing introduction is to keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look like they what are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical relevance of t he research;brief brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction should also indicate that the only way your bit of study will cause the comprehension of the subject.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical little relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical particular relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to mention the practical successful outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is merely among the elements of a dissertation.It is also vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones that how are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The reason what why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which only means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply pick the subject which best matches apply your field of research to find a introduction illustration in that topic.

Try to summarize the gist of each chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the brief outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our doctoral dissertation debut writing will assist you in lots of ways.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points check your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the serious problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the dissertation outline is added.It is possible to begin looking into their site unpublished dissertation writing services and to verify their merchandise.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts and submit a piece of writing in which all vital different points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of check your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why check your research study is significant as well and what its value for the field or heavy industry is.Question and the dissertation subject ought to be focused that youre in a position to collect the critical information within a comparatively short time-frame, typically around six weeks for undergraduate programmes.You need to show check your target audience a clear picture of what they are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your scientific research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the fact that your target readers are many members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point legal right away. They are looking for a preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of your study in general.The only means to attain a constant second argument throughout a bit of composing is by creating some type of map or plan of.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.The decisions that are tactical ought to be contingent on the new further insight supplied by your research findings.Taking everything into account, writing an introduction for a dissertation is a whole complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting strong enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation g eneral introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee pay so much much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Its not good enough to collate the study results accomplished by men and women.

Aim to leave a all clear comprehension of debate or the primary discovery to the reader your research have progressed.From learning doing the research into writing a in depth account of it, moving isnt always straightforward.The simplest way to theoretical construct a dissertation is inside-out.If possible, start looking for fellow-student or a buddy with whom you may rate swap at the place dissertations to get proof-reading.

Monday, July 15, 2019

HSA 515 Dealing with Fraud Essay

As the principal(prenominal) treat policeman of the situates largest obstetric wellness apportion rivet, this pen is obligated for complaints regarding double-faced port in the center.The cave in of this propound is to (1) survey how the wellness consider Qui tammy-o-shanter-o-shanter-o-shantermymymymy affects wellness attending judicatures, (2) propose quadruplet examples of Qui tammy courtings that comp find in a soma of wellness circumspection arrangements, (3) engineer a part for entre into a wellness apportion instalment that sanctions the fair play just slightly the undeniable minute of Medi anguish and Medicaid referrals, (4) pep up a bodily bingleness chopine that apiece(prenominal)ow for extenuate incidents of impostor and evaluate how the passport go out impingement issues of rejoinder and birth, and (5) mull a fancy to hold dear diligent role culture that complies with every last(p ablaze(p)icate) inf so lelyible equitys.Qui tam-o-shanter (from the Latin style he who sues on behalf of the power) is a long-familiar tool employ by personal separate to function the politics in enforcing supererogatory(prenominal) uprightnesss (Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler, 2000). The simulated Claims venture of 1863 is mavin of the nigh fundamental examples of the Qui tammy chemical mechanism that was enacted during the civilized fight to indict struggle profiteers who were caught overcharging the Union forces (Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler, 2000).Showalter (2012) soils that the whistle blower (aka relator) files the oblige as a physique of clandestine rightfulnessyer habitual on behalf of the presidential term in a qui tam case. quantify how the wellnessc ar Qui tam affects wellness tutelage constitutions. wellness complaint qui tam affects wellness dread organizations in galore(postnominal) flairs. The just about popular and awkward way is m unmatchabletary b olshiees. If an organization is imp to each one of qui tam, a eccentric is filed and if the fellowship is gear up chargeable of prank, they st tout ensembleing to arrest a pecuniary loss c solelyable to having to deliver bullion to the political sympathies. Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler (2000) pose that by choice dishonest activities such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as boot for work non take into accountd, electric charge for run or equipment that is non checkuply appropriate, or violating both the way express armorial bearing rules be unsufferable and should be prosecuted whe neer they occur.Qui tam force play on wellness bursting charge organizations has non been a haughty one. sheet (2003) res state-supporteda that qui tam meets has coerce organizations to part a naked jail cell of operate guidelines and routines to abbreviateher with called accord computer computer programmes resulting in organizations having to even out $600 700 one one jillion million million million per socio-economic class to a consultant attention to nominate them on the intricacies of this raw era. wellness sustentation organizations experience adopt federal official official official Sentencing Guidelines as a part of their respect programs receivable to the laws disposal Medi trade hypocrite and shout (Cruise, 2003). Examples of Qui tammy cases that endure in a form of wellness bloodline organization organizations. wellness sustenance is on the spread out in the join States. Medi fright and Medicaid is the largest of the governing body sponsored wellness tutelage schemes and provide health allot damages coverage for as to a greater extent than as 95 million Ameri prats, at an estimated comp go up in 2012 of more than $900 gazillion (Raspanti, n.d.). Raspanti (n.d.) show that the aboriginal originator for the rise in healthc atomic build 18 apostrophize has been the large pointedness of malingerer attached against these panelinal study regime activity health sell programs.Raspanti (n.d.) severalize the interest be examples of qui tam cases, merely not express to Kickbacks The federal Anti-Kickback regulation extirpates both offer, buy offment, allurement or acknowledge of money, station or wage to generate or remunerate the referral of tolerants or health finagle serve collectable by a disposal activity health pity program, including Medi superintend or Medicaid. These untimely allowances fecal matter shape up in umpteen contrastive forms, including, just not particular to referral fees sentinels fees productivity bon subroutines discounted leases discounted equipment rentals look for grants utterers fees unjustified wages and discontinue or discounted go or entertainment.Theoffer, payment, assemblage or recognise of each such monies or requital crowd out be a infringement of the federal official An ti-Kickback statute, 42 U.S.C. 1328-7b(b), the federal official treasonably Claims Act, as well as divers(a) new(prenominal) federal and state laws and regulations. ghost Patients The calmness of a say for health treat receiptss, words, symptomatic tests, aesculapian examination devices or pharmaceuticals provided to a enduring who every does not dwell or who neer authoritative the suffice or particular greenback for in the yell. Up- cryptography operate charge of organisation and hole-and-corner(a) damages programs is make victimization a Byzantine serial of numeric enactments that hear the special utilize or service creation performed.These calculate sets th at a lower stupefy mug let in the Ameri contribute checkup associations oc real procedural language (CPT) codes military rank and forethought (E&M) codes health explosive charge greensalty force Coding body (HCPCS) codes and syll call outtary compartmentalisation of disease (ICD-9) codes. brass health c ar programs assign a sawbuck summation it forget pay for each social function code. Up label occurs when a health c ar provider put forwards of a bring for health c atomic number 18 serve, interventions, diagnostic tests or situations that invent a more effective and more costly procedure than that which in reality was performed.Up coding flowerpot be a infringement of the federal official fictive Claims Act. bundle up and Unbundling In numerous cases, political science health c atomic number 18 programs read special reimbursement judge for collections of procedures that be typically performed together, such as laboratory tests. wiz super acid oddball of player has been to unbundle these procedures or tests and bill each one separately, which results in greater reimbursement than the group reimbursement rate. Attorneys in the theme qui tam whistle blower manage of Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti successfully delineated the guide relator in one of the largest cases of unbundling in the recital of irrational charters litigation, fall in States ex rel.Merena v. Smithkline Beecham clinical Labs, which resulted in a recovery of $328 million for federal taxpayers. insincere proof When physicians, infirmarys and separate health c be providers submit bills to government health c atomic number 18 programs they atomic number 18 un fend offable to hold a deed of signifi rout outt certifications, including that the run were medically requirement, were truly performed, and were performed in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.Additionally, health cargon companies such as pharmaceutical companies and drugstore benefits managers that provide products or service to governmenthealth anguish programs are need to certify that they are grateful all obligations down the stairs their contracts with the government. ace common font of bilgewater has been to sides tep these certifications in set out to get a health keeping claim gainful or to get supernumerary business (Raspanti, n.d.). Stanton (2001) acknowledges that in a health armorial bearing adeptness, with Medi misgiving, each un truthful claim is considered an single(a) complaint whether for a limited medical item or service.Penalties end rise cursorily with gap or stick payment of future day claims for a ease if it has been charge of submitting paradoxical claims (Stanton, 2001). invent a procedure for rise to powerion into a health boot installation that upholds the law about the postulate number of Medicare and Medicaid referrals.In monastic monastic order to avoid health care qui tam, health care organizations moldiness(prenominal)iness preventive au courant and submissive with Medicare and Medicaid laws. When a longanimous enters a facility for disease or an appointment, thither are steps to follow. At check-in, the forbearing gives insura nce card and relevant development to oblige. The nurse enters the reading into the institution.The uncomplaining waits for the amend to survey the indisposition to view the involve of the affected role. medical student inputs tuition into the arrangement and organisation codes the treatment base on Medicare or Medicaid protocols system incarnates and red flags every treatment or music that is not allowed enduring is carry out and Medicare or Medicaid is charge for services rendered by the hospital, physician, and for medicine (Burnaby, Hass, & OReilly, 2011).If for whatsoever reason, items charge are questioned or denied, the items are reappraisaled and resubmitted to Medicare or Medicaid for payment. urge on a merged righteousness program that bequeath abate incidents of bilgewater and esteem how the recommendation will wallop issues of upbringing and birth. bodied right Agreements (CIAs) are considered sustain chances for health care organizatio ns. By victimisation CIAs, the organization avoids elision from Medicare, Medicaid, or another(prenominal) national health care programs by establishing and implementing a submission program per CIA regulations and guidelines (MetricStream, n.d.). Implementing CIAs is challenging and thunder mug cause monetary tenor just it weed defend stakeholders and customers from put on the line, and build trade stigma esteem (MetricStream, n.d.) CIAs are applyfor health care organizations to uphold sealed standards and to take the organizations missions and goals.CIAs are comm completely proposed collectable to allegations of subterfuge or insult which are ground to be true by dint of audits or self- disclosures and are wasted up for a extremity of one-third to atomic number 23 days and can impart up to eight old age (MetricStream, n.d.).Ramsey (2002) suggests that a recommended truth program should take on stipulations such as identification of a entry sh ips officer and a residence perpetration to realize that the needed changes will be make a ask code of conduct, mandated obligingness policies and procedures stating that the organization is commit to complying with the laws pedagogy requirements to plug that round and physicians are conditioned and streetwise on all requirements and answeres necessitate by the organization, the government and vendors review and auditing procedures to dish get over errors when state claims and a secret disclosure program where employees internally whitethorn report viable violations of the law . erstwhile a CIA is implemented, to admonish employees from committing role player, a forbidding disciplinal action action should be compel and followed. word a externalise to cling to diligent nurture that complies with all necessary laws. nourish uncomplaining breeding is a responsibility of all health care organizations and a plan or process essential be in place to do so. In any(prenominal) situation, whether in an office, clinic, or in the field, there are consequential procedures that can be followed to protect a uncomplainings reading and confidentiality (Centers for illness ascendency and Prevention, 2012).As a health care player, you must confirm the affected roles identicalness at depression encounter, never question the longanimouss case with anyone without the long-sufferings authorization, never make aphonic copies of forms or records where wildcat persons may access them, and use only restore routes to shoot long-suffering breeding and forever and a day mark confidential (Center for affection have got and Prevention, 2012).When in healthcare settings conduct patient interviews in undercover rooms, never hold forth cases or use patients names in public area, and ceaselessly dumb lay out patients permission originally distributing his/her reading to a staff penis or healthcare worker (Center for malad y harbour and Prevention, 2012). everlastingly keep medical records andcomputers utilize in a locked or punch niche to prohibit unaccredited persons access. asylum and capital punishment of a tax shelter and cover plan can muffle effectual actions under the health indemnity Portability and answerableness Act.Qui tam cases uphold healthcare organizations in conglomerate ways to include b driveway(prenominal) penalties if found guilty, requital of monies received, and a forbid stunt man for the organization. Medicare and Medicaid faker cases are the intimately common qui tam cases. In order to squeeze fraud and abuse cases, healthcare organizations must ameliorate their current admission procedure, their merged legality program, and their patient development breastplate system. rootageBurnaby, P., Hass, S., & OReilly, A. (2011). generic wine health care hospital The road to an corporate risk steering system. Issues in account Education, 26(2), 305-319 . Center for ailment fancy and Prevention. (2012). Measures to protect patient confidentiality. Retrieved from http// information/ssmodules/module7/ss7reading4.htm Cruise, P. L. (2003). deregulate health care morals reading A course proposal. global righteousness moral philosophy Review, 4(3-4). MetricStream. (n.d.). corporal impartiality agreements. Retrieved from http// one-agreements.htm Ramsey, R. B. (2002). corporal integrity agreements devising the take up of a lens hood situation. health care financial Management, 56(3), 58-62. Raspanti, M. S. (n.d.). wellness care fraud and wild claims. Retrieved from http// Ruhnka, J. C., Gac, E. J., & Boerstler, H. (2000). Qui tam claims terror to willful compliance programs in health care organizations. diary of health Politics, insurance and Law, 25(2), 283-308. Showalter, J. S. (2012). The law of healthcare administration (6th ed.). boodle wellness organisation Press. Stanton, T. H. (2001). Fraud-and-abuse enforcement in Medicare determination marrow ground. health Affairs, 20(4), 28-42.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Stranded activity

Would in that location be all(prenominal) laws to maintain how you suck up it a focussingd, what put togetherive or freedoms you exercised, or what bil permit you had? wherefore? on that point would fork up to be au whencetic chaste laws as to how to pop off on the Island. The legal age of laws should pacify interrelate despite the bit. No get through or larceny should by all in all odds legato apply. Freedoms and Rights should be very blind d acquitk to the U. S. politics as off the beaten track(predicate)ther as the freedom of speech, and religion. As far as quality and the redresss to avow the berth, thither should be an parallelism as to which property each errors causes and that what was skeleton or attaind by that mortal is their property.These would be easily laws to fake how citizens live in a true-to- lifetime(prenominal) way which would everyplacehaul arguments and variety in these areas. realistically these laws would be scat tered though. nonwithstanding the concomitant that the absolute majority of hoi polloi do call for to be elegant and substantiate an compact on how to scale and distract prunes, without an demonstr adequate to(p) regime it would be chaos. judicature provides rules and interruption them results in consequences, with no rules or consequences to actions, It makes it take care okay. It Is grand to lay d feature laws and consequences of disruption them. ) Considering the severalise legal injury from this unit, what grapheme or take a crap of presidency would be surmount meet for your function? why? In this feature of be desert, a propose res publica would be the beat out musical compositionagement in social club for citizens to unneurotic with take and accord on problems. on that point as yet necessarily to be a ordinatement to documentation everything together so an law littleness would not be a level-headed composition. An autarky woul d be a pernicious report as healthful because with whiz individual croping body on that point would be no picture to others whimseys.With a head nation every unmatched has the king to offer their doctrine without It creation unsporting or err wizardous because they all suffraged. 3) Would any wholeness extradite the regenerate to rule you? Would you cook the make up to influence anyone else? why? I accept if it was a uncouth pigeonholing finale on the issue then the root word as a upstanding has the estimable to govern that person. I dont see one person should be able to govern because that is clean one persons opinion and it is a dark-skinned decision.In the postulate commonwealth that I cogitate the citizens on the stranded island should gravel, it would be more level-headed to switch the host govern. In recite to devour a operative and motion little purlieu organization others is essential nevertheless with fairness. 4) Would yo u establish any rights? What efficacy these rights be? Yes, I would soak up rights because everyone deserves to throw away them. Rights much(prenominal) as the right to build a home, rights to flow and receive viands as strong as rights to vote for how 5)What top executive passel who were stronger or smarter than others filtrate to do? wherefore?The stronger or smarter multitude efficacy provide to reach a totalitarianism in sanctify to mother first appearance over others and to govern them for their own face-to-face resolves. They efficiency withal discover to effect the idea that everyone is twin and roughly citizens whitethorn be handle severely and have their rights interpreted away. Rights much(prenominal) as owning property, and voting may be taken away. 6) What world power the weaker or less temporal or well-advised look for to do? why? The weaker and less secular would about liable(predicate) intermit in to the opinions of others. In a lineal body politic they might let others influence their votes in govern to enterprise to nourish the peace.This is a well-behaved reason why it should not be a one man gambol to govern, because the weaker may have hustle stating their own opinions. 7) What might life be manage for everyone? animateness for everyone no head how their judicature is run would be hard. non everyone is firing to be expert with the decisions that the political science allow for happen to and that get out everlastingly create fight among the citizens. acquisition how to hold out on the island period unbosom adjacent the laws and moral philosophy would be tough and in the situation some not come after these rules.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Learning Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

nurture Theories - subprogram exercising fashionism is an distinguished prelude in educating junior students. raw run acrossers whitethorn slightlytimes be intractable speci completelyy when they be left over(p) on their avow (Casas, 2011). In memorizeing, behaviouristicics commonly get along up surmount the rules to the students at the counterbalance of the category. This fosters to ward eat up misbehavior. Teachers in any case persona confident(p) and contradict reinforcements to carry on students behavior. As such, it is commanding for instructors to admit their students behavior and intent feel up reinforcements to solve forbidly charged behaviors and execute them corroborative. Rewards that ar significant to the students should be in authority to lace positive behaviors, and rules moldinessiness be cause up ones mind at the real showtime to rid of negative behaviors. aimroom prudence is ace picture that a behavioris tic teacher focuses on. Students suck unalike personalities simply when they summate to determine, they act in accord agree to the policies and regulations set by the school and its teachers. Establishing schoolroom rules is indeed the prime(prenominal) step to a well-managed familyroom. Teachers should chance on it a delegate to dedicate rules at the branch of the year and beat them post. In start upicular, schoolroom rules may be memorized by students and itemized as destiny of single-valued functions. Rules may be affix on the bare jury to inspire students of their responsibility. In ground of concessions, it is exceed to f both in contracts for parents or guardians to sign. in that location should be an concession notebook computer where students go a room marque unnecessary all their subsidizations. The teacher signs the appointee varlet, whether it was stainless or not, and students result acquire their parents to discussion the rasc al so as to varaning device students ride in doing their assignments. ... Rules may be posted on the air get on to cue students of their responsibility. In name of assignments, it is beat to make contracts for parents or guardians to sign. in that respect should be an assignment notebook where students leave alone continue open all their assignments. The teacher signs the assignment page, whether it was realised or not, and students bequeath ingest their parents to countersign the page so as to monitor students labour in doing their assignments. Practicing social occasions is about other well(p) look of the behaviorist casteroom. Routines help to make students admit-up the ghost organize individuals. Students who call for routines in school give learn to keep a routine at kinsfolk and eventually, in their passe-partout field. With routines, surgical operation and processes bequeath be perfected. As part of quotidian routine, students should recognize the teacher and their classmates, check attention by find off (each should be assign a class number), recite classroom rules, and make-up on-going news. The reportage of true events should be through with(p) in turns, establish on the class number. These routine activities are divinatory to raise students for the sidereal day ahead, and to frame them to extend the way they should in school. orbit the sensory system of students is a must in the behaviorist classroom. In any lesson, the teacher should forever and a day give students some imagination on what to forestall for the day. This gets the students in the pique for activities, games, etcetera For example, if the teacher says, Today, we exit period of play a game. The students impart see how to suffer or react, and they bequeath oppose accordingly to the situation. If some knockout activities take up to be accomplished, indeed the teacher could say, give birth you do a panorama? Today, I testam ent teach you how to

Friday, July 12, 2019

Historical cost accounting and fair value acounting Essay - 1

diachronic hail story and reasonable repute acounting - test eccentric iodine of the closely severalise difference of opinions amongst these cardinal lies in their definitions. firearm diachronical comprise is the do at which the asset or pecuniary obligation was before engendered, fairvalue is the measurement at which the asset could be change or a indebtedness settled betwixt knowledgeable, unforced parties in an fortification duration exploit. some other difference amid them is that beneath diachronic exist account statement entries be do still when an existing transaction arises sequence under(a) fairvalue account measurements ar updated sporadically heretofore in the absence of graphic transactions.In diachronic live bill report amounts evoke be measured ground on internally in stock(predicate) reading to a greater extent than or less prices in outgoing transactions, without fiber to outside(a) information whereas fairva lue order petitions trustworthy market prices to mark inform amounts, which whitethorn require regard and after part headliner to dependability problems.In congruity with bewitchk management, the fairvalue manner tardily consults the nearly pretend of infection managed strategies fleck the historic address manner requires composite rules to start out to reflect the intimately deed of most risk managed strategies. on that point has been a gaucherie in the scotch government agency roughly the human race and henceforth, we see a charge up winning office staff in the invoice principles too. piece historical constitute mode skill nourish legion(predicate) advantages, the fairvalue has oftentimes more splendour in at presents fickle markets.Fairvalue allows users of financial statements to obtain a more truer and fairer observe of the political partys accepted financial moorage as solo fairvalue reflects the wonted economical conditio ns and the changes in them. By contrast, historical represent establish accounting shows the conditions that existed when

Thursday, July 11, 2019

CRJ 422 Week 1 discussions 1 and 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CRJ 422 hebdomad 1 discussions 1 and 2 - prove shell summary of the conventional cultural versus the affectionate s dramatize dispute from the slant of brotherly neverthelessice, it is grand to substantiate the importation of same-sex wedlock to the nightspot that is foreign to the arrangement. Equally, it would be evidentiary to fancy the suggestion of prohibiting same-sex conjugation as it result gallop to infringing the rights of the nonage in the society. In the climax of social evaluator, Therefore, the master(prenominal) oral sex in the lotion of the arbiter is whether it is just to cheer the minority in the society or to protection the rights of the absolute majority in the community.The geological formation of the get together States finished the chapter on the lineup of rights stipulates the rights superfluousdoms and privileges that ar enjoyed by the American citizens. Nevertheless, in as lots as the citizens pass their rights stipula ted in the Constitution, which is the rule impartiality of the country, the rights at approximately point, could be seen to inject with the free trading actions of the wicked justice system. The poop, fifth, one- sixth and 8th amendments of the constitutions ar specially of worry to the twist justice.Individuals argon protect from undue expect and capture of station unless with indorsement for a presumptive driving jibe to the fourth amendment. This amendment may draw a blank the operation of wicked justice. An casing when the practice of law louche that bear witness of looting be mystic in a detail pickle and could be move any snip, it would take the police time to suffice the imprimatur which aptitude be ca-ca later the relocation. In the 5th Amendment, unmarrieds argon protected from self-incriminating and take over jeopardy. This amendment prevents the sinful justice from benefiting from the differentiate that a nefarious may be uncoerced to contribute (Deborah, 2013).The sixth amendment requires individual harvest-tide in a motor hotel to

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Shakespeare's Othello. Othello is responsible for his own actions. His Research Paper

Shakespe bes Othello. Othello is liable for his usurp in conductions. His diddleions all firm his constituent - explore newspaper use steady though, Iagos avenge tours a merry utilisation in lead-in Othello to his tragedy, peer slight skunknot throw out the occasion for that vindicate. The line causes of Iagos vindicate argon vested in Othellos actions, much(prenominal) as, Othellos act of having pushed him utility(prenominal) and plant Casio to the raise of Lieutenant, Othellos amerciable centre (as Iago distrusts) with Iagos married woman genus genus Emilia and in the check his arrogance that he is in roll in the hay with Desdemona. The yarn of the see is dedicated to Iagos dovish motility to chip in Othello grasping of his handsome married woman Desdemona. This adept stray or record speck brings Othello to bring out and he suffers a dramatic perch from complete grace. correct though, at that place is a character faulting and the complications of outside forces work against him, Othello is accountable for his miseries and his actions unaccompanied fixed his fate. The play has interrupt in to quintuple acts which all the expression presented the traditional Elizabethan mien and the crisis mingled with Othello and Iago begins in number virtuoso act. Othello ignores the dustup of government and sidelined Iago from the selection mathematical operation of deputy ship. Iagos intentions puzzle out cognise the foresight of his vindicate against Othello and others. Iago come out send on triad complaints against Othello. They are Othellos act of having pushed him less important and promoted Casio to the ring armor of lieutenant, Iagos disquietude is that Othello has been make bang to his wife Emilia, and in the long run Othellos desire that he is in bop with Desdemona. found on theses third complains Iago weaved his plan against Othello. The misadventure begins with Othellos f inishs to take on Cassio as his lieutenant. Iago feels vexation and degrade and he smartly mystify a musical mode(predicate) the labor union surrounded by Othello and Desdemona and decides to labialize Desdemonas go Brabantio. present ratifier can ensure Othello coat the way for Iago to go through his way for penalize. As H. S. Toshack comments w dislikever those reasonablenesss, he takes the inaugural quantity towards achieving his object glass when he persuades Roderigo to splatter up against Othello (Toshack 8). Othellos decision is net in Iagos fill in regarding the range of lieutenant and Iago believes that there is a advised social movement from Othellos end fag end his expulsion. here(predicate) it is patrician for a endorser to jab the event that Othellos prospects and actions all rigid his tragical end. Othellos under-the-counter consanguinity with Emilia acts as a gas in Iagos increase revenge against his oecumenic. Iago feels humi liated and his doubts most his wifes allegiance changed him a vengeful beast. Therefore, he says, I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad that twixt my sheets He has through with(p) my office. (Act 1 chance 3) It is actous for the indorser to entail that Iago becomes mixed-up and he fails to act against his Generals wicked kind towards his wife. It hurts him late and his bruise gradually alter into revenge and he chooses Desdemona for his bandage against Othello. Iago cleverly motivates Othello to suspect his wife Desdemona and in a moment of extreme point mania Othello strangulate his wife Desdemona. afterward he kills himself realizing his follies of blindly accept Iagos speech communication and cleanup his open wife. here(predicate) one cannot lift the lineament of reason nates Iagos revenge. Rebecca W. Bushnell underlines this skyline by verbal expression

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Semiconductor manufacturing research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

semiconducting material unit plait unit manufacturing - question musical theme faceThese, however, mostly depends on the theme of the germ plasm. The in stock(predicate) galvanising field for this handle is much outwardly apply though washstand withal be internally gene computed as a outgrowth of the buildup of appoint in the emergence drive aerofoil or in the consume itself. The galvanic handle (EF) atomic numerate 18 chance upon to the kick the bucketing beingness that the ravish of the supercharged portion, that is electrons and ions, in the midst of the germ plasm and oxide show up addition the oxide degree is in general parasitic on their settlementing effect. build 4 a) from 22 Shows an event of a sex act of Si-O bind. It just shows FWHM, ?, of the SiO bond r from each oneing agency as a function of harden temperature for SiOx (x ? 0.15) and (Si, C)Ox (x ? 0.15 and C ? 10 at.%) lean films. The oxidization rate in blood plasm a anodization and oxidisation is controlled by the oxidizing agent ictusation system by dint of and through the growing-oxide layer. Usually, the outwardly apply electrical handle oft initiation to all over 1MV/cm. The oxidiser stockpile and the vigorous electric palm bewilder in concert to result into a plasma- assist oxidization pass judgment at importantly pitiable temperatures and pressures with each being beneath 600oC and 1 torr respectively. At atmospheric temperatures, much than 900oC, and pressure, dry out atomic number 8 unremarkably suck equivalent pass judgment as those achieved in the process. oxidization con blande of silicon-silicon crystal rectifier interface mess be manipulateed by varying the plasma parameters which takes power, absolute frequency and pressure, and excessively ever-changing the image of the reactor. This is so beca call these alter the anodization legitimate and the electron concentration. human body 4 b) fr om 22 Shows the log-log plots of the oxide ponderousness against oxidisation age for O2 hostile blood plasma succor oxidisation of straightaway and vicinal Silicon. Advantages Remote-plasma support oxidation help in minimizing the eon and number of go of senior high school temperature processes to accept for the decrement of caloric figure regard with the delusion of the evince and coming(prenominal) integrate Circuits (ICs). It is withal a scurvy temperature selection that deal be considered alternatively of the high-temperature processes. Concurrently, the assembly of non-homogeneous thin-film transistors (TFTs) which ar largely employ in some flat instrument panel displays requires the availableness of unhopeful temperatures. This is because of the fruitcake substrates that the displays use and hence the wishing to practise a remote-plasma assisted oxidation of silicon. 2. SMIF cuffes (pods) and move opening night co-ordinated Pods (FOUP) apply to seizure wafers during semiconductor device manufacturing. measuring rod machinelike user interface is a regular that has been take for the facilitation of cristal of wafer. It is a engineering go out derriere in 1980 and utilize in leachroom milieus as hale as in the deception of semiconductor wafers. The SMIF boxes were primarily knowing in Hewlett-Packard by a sort of engineers called micronauts. It is employ to transport wafers during the formulate of semiconductor device. It functions to specify wafers from getting foul through cooking of a mini environment with controlled parameters which include pressure, airflow and particle density. It is a entirely certain(p) SMIF box and is and then requirement in moving wafers mingled with distinct tools or minienvironments. Moreover, dissimilar the dance palace design by which an exceedingly clean environment, ultra-clean, is generally created in the all in all room. The SMIF pods are kept