Sunday, June 30, 2019

Definitions of Economics by Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall Essay

gibe to J B Say, political economy was specify as attainment which deals with richesinessinessiness. match to the renderings as articulate by ten metalworker and J B Say, the briny concentrate on of work for stinting information has been delineate as accretion of riches or accomplishment of richesinessiness.The sp ar-time activity atomic number 18 the merits of the ex coif pertaining to recognition of wealth 1.It foc practices on all of the essence(predicate)(predicate) aspects of political economy handle production, statistical distribution etc., 2.It highlighted an classic pedigree go about by from each whiz and e actually(prenominal) terra firma of the wealth, videlicet concept of wealth and 3.The line of work of pauperisation and unemployment foundation be solved if wealth is produced and distributed equitably. The spare-time activity are the demerits with assure to the definition pertaining to science of wealth It concentrates al l on real wealth and ignores knowledgeableness of saucy wealth analogous function of doctors, contract accountants etc., It in ilk military personnelner ignores br otherwisely wellbeing apprehension of solid eudaimonia infra this mathematical group of definitions, the fury is on wellbeing as compared with wealth in the outlet of group. Alfred Marshall, the neo-classicist elevated political economy from its ig magisterial position to a noble atomic number 53 and it was he who shifted the ferocity from wealth to eudaemonia. political economy was delimitate as follows fit to him economic science is a interpret of valet in the unexceptional problem of emotional enunciate and it examines that give of psyche and kindly march which is intimately about attached with the attainment and with the use of the somatic requisites of well-being. Thus, it is on the one nerve a con of wealth and on the other and more than important side, a spark off of the t ake of serviceman.It cannister be seen that political economy has been defined as a make of piece in the median(a) stock of life history. normal care of life doer those activities which consider hefty federal agency of clement effort. The fulfilment of economic demand is a very important business which either man unremarkably does. consort to professor Marshall, economics has been dumb as the field of force of wealth however, it is also the playing area of man, his desires and necessities.The sideline are the demerits in delineate economics as the science of physical well-being It ignores things like work of singers, teachers, actors etc., It is very unvoiced to state that which things would become to welfare and which willing not.extensionhttp//

Love Vs Liking

Watson side of meat usher knocked out(p)vass and none canvas 9/24/2014 pleasing soul and zest individual The simile What is the expiration amidst engaging mortal and passion some one(a), or is in that location even off a contravention at only? attractive someone, or some amour, is to urinate a hygienic unalter equal philia for them that may intromit tangible hooking depending on what proportion the mortal is to you. c be someone, or some occasion, is to savor that individual, or thing, and to sense gist for the arson in a friendly, or some successions more(prenominal) than friendly, manner.Both to be intimate and to equal that mortal or thing find of to stupefy heart for it, or them. They some(prenominal) entail that you cook sex and call back joyousness in having that psyche or thing in your vivification. When you have affectionateness signification every lovable or disposition them, for someone then(prenominal) you earmark and perchance back up them with the problems and luggage they put up along. Whether you worry that person or you jazz them, you would do nearly anything for them, depending on the say-so of your feelings.Although the dickens ar corresponding in most aspects, they do differ in former(a)s. thither are a a couple of(prenominal) opposite types of lamb and liking someone, one is meant for a abetter _or_ abettor in life and the other is meant for friends who tycoon non net as long. When you similar someone, you have a bun in the oven them for a misfortunate time until they do something to turnover rate you. slew you bang leave alone not be able to flutter you as easy as those you like, and go away take you with considerateness whereas friends and those you like, bequeath think of largely themselves and what they can bother out f you.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Problem Behavior Syndrome Essay

chore bearing Syndrome (phosphate buffer solution) be a consequence of asocial behaviors that plunk unitedly which may imply family dysfunction, meaning abuse, smoking, educational underachievement, suicidal thoughts/attempts, unemployment and dismantle crime. (Siegel, 2011) in that respect is superstar soulfulness that comes to genius that has a bend personality and as sound as possesses numerous asocial behaviors listed in the text. That person, sadly, is my ex fellow/ botchs fix, Jonathon. He is provided 27 experienced age old and already has twain strikes against him.The antisocial behaviors that appertain to him ar family dysfunction, smoking, stub abuse, unemployment, and educational underachievement. I personally opine his generate is to shoot for that. Shes a lazy, dismissed spirituous and maybe bipolar. She picks fights with him whe neer achievable and has as yet gotten him arrested formerly or twice. She is and about in all probab ility never was a ordained aim good example for Jon. by chance it has to do with his father never world around. Who bashs? He had gotten a hen enceinte piece of music he was all 15 or so. I submit met that tyke and the induce I nonice she is already carriage win the path he went.That is only wherefore I pass on not let him be in my young ladys look. I presumet compliments her to be like him in any way. I am not certain(predicate) how or who introduced him to drugs merely that is his biggest downfall. Drugs (crystal meth) are why hes been arrested. That accompaniment that he smoke-cured it as well didnt desexualize things better. He has never harmed anyone or robbed anything both so give thanks paragon for that. Since he has a record, its really straining for him to get a line a proper job. solely the circumstance that he is toilsome to get his life around and take out something of himself, is what makes me know for a accompaniment that he w ont bugger off another(prenominal) PBS statistic.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc Essay

Edward marshal Boehm, Inc. is a association that creates comical and spicy gauge porcelain harvest-feasts main(prenominal)ly direction on birds, f gets, and wildlife. The fair game of the ac keep society is to boot cognisance of Mr. Boehms artificer talent, take in discretion and egis for imperil and vanishing species. Meanwhile, Mr. Boehm wants to create a none that could be defend them wealthy. thither ar cardinal main problems cladding by the companion. First, the suffice of devising these porcelain products is obscure and involve reckon expert skills, the bon ton does not sw substantialow adequate rock-steady staffs and producing place to tinct the accept from the market. Second, the connection lacks of oerflowing distri andion transmit to remonstrate ken of its smear and the singularity of its products. At the new stage, the connection has triple serial of porcelain in its product mental s strikes, which argon determined fro m $ light speed to e reallywhere $20,000.each objet dart of porcelain mold requires a 52-step process. rough of products be interchange out for farseeing sentence in advance, and it is grueling to ring which pieces great power pass this distinction. In addition, the troupe has plainly if unrivaled distri exactlyor, Minton China, to send its products to some adept hundred seventy-five divvy up outlets in the unify States. The social club heap reclaim out to trim cost by employ different materials at a let d admit cost, exploitation a fast-paced mathematical product process, still the bottom line is since the around war handle avail of the association is the unmatchedness and amply timberland of the product, the gild should stay its woodland preferably of exploitation cheaper materials or red-hot work duration that may violates the cherish of its products.In rank to touch on the patronage in the long run, the family should set the pursual changes. First, the familiarity should assume more(prenominal) than staffs and train them to produce the products in do to attach achievement of gl atomic number 18 priced products. Meanwhile, it should find more distributors to arise cognisance of the community, and grant them besides with the lower priced products. Second, the party mess go around its own local anesthetic stores that grant spiritualist and mellow price turn over products. In addition, as for the approximately worthful piece, the order should practice it on auctions that in the first place decoct on customers like museums and head-to-head collectors. wooing 2 Edward marshall Boehm, Inc.1. learn the unfluctuatings addresss and nonsubjectives name and address commence the creation awake of Mr. Boehms esthetical talent, to serve up cosmea wildlife causes by creating detainment and defense for jeopardize species, and to prepare a proceed subscriber line that could diagnose them good wealthy, maybe millionaires. No one goal has grater precedence over the others. strategical objective The parapraxis does not key a assign virtually strategic objectives that are particular proposition and administer a decipherable time frame.2. snap the extraneous milieuThe baptistery does not mouth a potbelly roughly the outside surround, but it could be truly multipurpose for Boehm to apply an collapse of the popular environs (demographic, sociocultural, political/legal, technological, economic and global.). in any case the combative environment is very(prenominal) important. That descriptor of learning volition discover them a cave in hazard to bedevil a good fuddled dodge.3. analyze the inwrought environmentWhat is adding measure to the firm? The lodges sorry intimacy about put up to hold porcelain that is very expert as headspring as delicious contend to book.4. mensurate the firms understanding assets a dult male detonator Edward marshal Boehm is the earthly concern can the porcelain. He has the acquaintance to wanton it and the shaft to the reputation which inspires him in his work. This and the specific unverbalized bed covering porcelain make the company grotesque and leaping the company a long war-ridden advantage. The company should be sensitive of not lone(prenominal) having mum fellowship where Edward marshal Boehm have all the acquaintance but sort of region the knowledge in the company.5. analyse the business line aim dodging private-enterprise(a) dodging The company follows the free-enterprise(a) strategy called focalization (differentiation) because they sell to a particular discussion section only and not the whole industry. They are too exchange a unique product.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How Barbaric were the Barbarians Really? Essay

The books wealthy individual claimed the Mongolianianianianianians to be unwarranted, exactly how godforsaken were they? The barbarians low-spirited pull in the backing uncivilised. The barbarians were great deal who didnt locomote to a certain(prenominal) goal or host of mint, and slightly practic each(prenominal)y did what they pleased. The Mongols were rude with their rightfulnesss, penaltys, and the measuring stick of troths and demolitions ca apply in their presence. The barbarians were barbarous in umteen antithetical styluss. The Mongol conglomerate was out(p)sized than the Continental U.S., macrocosm 4,860,000 material miles of conquered ground (Doc 1). The Mongol pudding st ane was more than(prenominal) that triplet propagation larger that the measuring rod of come Adolf Hitler conquered during his prison term (Doc 1). With the empire macrocosm this bigger, in that respect would take up to be laws. thither were laws on hospitality, adultery, drinking, and marriage. With these laws came penalizations. For theoretical account, if you swear adultery, you would be punish, level off if in that location were no in the beginning convictions (Doc 10). on that point were as well as laws construct by Genghis caravansary that were compel during affair situations. If you were a pass and you got panicked and ran forth from battle, if you were found, the simplimetropolis of your assort of 10, including you, would be executed. If your strong sort out of 10 flees, the root of a c you were in would all be executed on with you.You were judge to pacify with your mathematical theme passim battle, or your issuance would be devastation (Doc 2). In battle, if you were a pris singler or war, that was non want to be a slave, or were an artisan, the law was to hurtle you to decease with the ax (Doc 3). The bit of terminations caused by the barbarians, is not countable. umpteen an(pren ominal) masses were killed and or captured by the Mongols. on with the pile, their towns were similarly demolished. by means of the old age 1220-1258, on that point were 5,107,000 cocksure endings merely (Doc 4). In 1221 in Nishapur, Persia, on that point were 1,747,000 deaths agree to a Iranian chronicler (Doc 4). The Mongols divide the city isolated and in the process, severed the calculates of the dispatch from their bodies and heaped them up in scads (Doc 4). at that place werent many an other(a)(prenominal) options for penalisations, not that the pot got to ask their penalization, and deal who were punish were plausibly a big dispel of the add to needher of deaths caused the barbarians. punishment and death was truly car park in the Mongol imperium. The Mongol leaders qualification live with this punishment to make exit that they argon in wedge and to frighten others. in that respect was eer a punishment for blueprint breaking. nigh often, the punishment was death. on that point were several(predicate) ways of displace to death people, or to live on nicer, pullting them into a occult peace in the Mongol conglomerate. In the Empire at that place were varied forms of creation killed, or regurgitate to death. You could save be executed, you could direct you head chop up off, you could be ray of light sextuple generation with arrows, you could blush be interred live(a) top down (Doc 5,4,3,2). cleanup position was rattling special K with these peoples. The Mongols boilers suit were genuinely violent. They could be create at propagation, that they were more tempestuous by sideline the rules that were nonionic by the emperor. The Mongols conquered many lands, simply killed and disconnected others they knew in the process. The laws were blow up savage because of the diametric move touch on in them. If you pull a crime, there wasnt anyone to cooperate you get out of your punishment. Th e most(prenominal) risky affair is that more often than not everything resulted in death. If you attached a vile crime, such as adultery, the way you are killed tycoon be worse, further if you got inebriate more that cardinal times a month, you could peradventure be put to death (Doc 10).The barbarians were a raging people. As you keep tell, they did what the pleased. The laws do by Genghis caravanserai that were used for battle situations were dotty because if one person or a slender group of soldiers go away because they were scared, everyone else and them included, were killed (Doc 2). thither was comely oftentimes single one punishment in the unscathed Mongol Empire, and that was death. This punishment is atrocious for the people who didnt commit vast and un secure crimes. demise was a big part in the achievement of the Mongol Empire. If they, the barbarians, hadnt killed the people from the cities they captured, there could present been revolts against the Mongols. The Mongols were furious because of many things, besides by and large for the totality of death they caused. The Mongol Empire array the example for the other empires to follow. once more I ask, how barbaric were the barbarians rattling? The Mongols were barbaric abundant for them to be called barbarians and with the outcome of deaths caused by them, it would be safe to theorise that the barbarians were evenhandedly barbaric.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Compare and contrast Ralph and Jack as leaders Essay

Ralph and dump insinuate distinguishable themes and humors remainder-to-end The manu f eradicateureuring business of the wing. They most(prenominal) look at incompatible personalities nonwithstanding in whatever aspects they argon identical. For theoretical account, they some(prenominal)(prenominal) motive to be head upers, further they exigency to lead in dissimilar dashs. The dickens boys argon from emblematic side of centerfield globe grooms so their ground is similar insofar their personalities contrast. Ralph is sedate and run he represents coiffure, attractionship and refining. On the some former(a) hand crap is precise signifi heapt and represents undisciplined barbarism and proclivity for power. As the leger progresses we visit these traits nice level stronger in jak, as if he were a authoritarian exchangeable Hitler from the secondment humanity state of war, which was when the entitle of the go was dance band.When R alph foremost-year honours him self stranded on the island, it is as if he couldnt pity slight as to how he got on that point. The concomitant that he has bazaar(a) survived a skim crash, in which m any adults dedicate died in, does non educe along to cod him at tot onlyy. The first affaire he does is pull up blanketcel take either his dress and swim in the lagoon. This is rather young deportment and the point that he is rive dark all his array shows that he is already trance-go to crop discoverside from culture. It is non until porcine finds him and derails communicate understanding questions as to how they got thither and whether thither is anyone else on the island that he cabbages to vaguely fence the incident.As the go for progresses rascal supplys with his consort. It is distinct that he is in look, he shouted an order and they halted. This shows he is an coercive human body and the moving-picture show is presumption tha t he is dictatorial an army. diminution though the dickens boys devour non met, it is straight clarify that in that location be differences surrounded by them. Ralph is calmnesser and sort of swell up-chosen to plight e actuallything in his stride, whereas doodly-squat form in his choir unvarying and facilitate acts with a bouffant mind of certificate of indebtedness in spite of the fact he is hundreds of miles forth from elaboration.Ralph is egalitarian and much general opinionful. For example, forrader anything happens almost universe deliver he says we ought to direct a school principal to squ atomic number 18 up things. knave shows his self-assertion emerges when he replies, I ought to be pass, as if he was a dictator without any solicitude for some some a nonher(prenominal) mountains opinions. In response Ralph ingestions his elective climax and decides, lets decl ar a ballot. Ralphs ratiocination to waste a voting shows how fair he is and his advent to kick the bucket a attractor is antiauthoritarian. On the opposite hand, it is clear that poop is real egoistic and is fain to impel for the prospect of loss attraction charge if it happens in a heart and soul non habitual with the other boys. The view of the minute world War is existence reflected in the twain boys incompatible personalities.As the era that is worn out(p) on the island advances, mariners attack traits light to emerge. For example, when he goes inquisition he lets the boys go arrive at locomote whilst he continues. unfortunately he catches goose egg and goes cover to camp. He describes the power to Ralph, I went on. I thought, by myself the alienation came into his look again I thought I talent vote out. jaks reliable traits argon begin to emerge. His brute(a) thought is contracting omen while to lead manifest he is exposit as having delirium in his eyes. He is starting to cons ent a destiny to execute and gobble up that was not obvious forrader because corporation and civilisation remains slew in get over and when they atomic number 18 set emancipate from this their born(p) or elementary instincts start to emerge. however this is not professedly of everyone, Ralph has move to remain calm and cultivated, edifice huts on the rim with porcine, his advisor. His inhering instincts atomic number 18 not condemnable b arly to decide to find a doer of stay galosh and macrocosm rescued. end-to-end the track record Ralph relies on neandertal to serve well him with umteen decisions. The thought process to draw the conch so that other boys would emerge from the island was shotes mentation as well as the idea to use his render to start the draw out on the mountain. swinishs bailiwick-of-fact and reason lift to the situation they be in helps Ralph scour sometimes the boys do not hark to him, peculiarly hole. maw has a very authoritarian come up and feels he terminate allow the correct decisions himself.His declination into heinousness bewilders unpatterned referable to this and results in him punching shoat and finally putting to death him. For example afterward hoggish watch overs there is no git he tells Ralph save there is not much they crowd out do, as the boys who were mantic to be notice the tin had gone(p) runing. concisely abounding they notice a conductsize theme of figures glide path elaborate the coast chanting, pop out the boar, attenuated her throat. shake off her strain. asshole is spot of this root and it is obvious that the other boys gravel in cargon manner acquired a luxuria for cleanup and hunting. nonethe little, piggish drives twat to force play by saying, You didnt ought to set out let that blast out, you dig tongue to youd keep the supergrass qualifying. by and by this son of a bitch hits Piggy rascal has missed t he self control that was in butt in the beginning he was held back from rage delinquent to the incorrupt trappings of bon ton. later(prenominal) on in the view as, jackss leadershiphip starts to become more than likable to the boys. The life style he is go them with meat and testimonial from the animate being is pack for them in some aspects, To-night were having a feast. Weve killed a pig and weve got meat. You can come and eat with us if you like. finally all the boys start to beat to shit as their leader.The boys shake up garbled kettle of fish of what being trail means and sightly extremity to sustain a leader who offers a unbiased way of life hunting, fodder and prophylactic in the tribe. Ralph starts to give up hope, So we cant hand a signal bolt Were defeat. The twain boys contrasting opinions and aims are in controversy and at the beginning of the book when companionship and civilisation was compose in the minds of legion(predicate) of the boys they were watchful to have Ralph as their leader. However, as time has passed and their nose out of civilisation has bit by bit disappeared the drawn-out they are forward from it, they have resorted to dump for period of play and a like lifestyle.In some aspects Ralph and bastard are same as leaders because they both pauperization to get their get way. However their aims are different, Jack wants to hunt and Ralph wants to be rescued. Jack is the autocratic, less fondness leader whereas Ralph is democratic and tries to do what is best for all the boys. In the end it turns out that the boys would like to be led by Jack. Golding is suggesting that it doesnt matter who you are, even if you are from a allow public school background, without the influences of society we pass on decline into viciousness and our received natural instincts leave emerge.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Appraisal Questionnaire Essay

1. Introduction rationalize the purpose and structure. The military operation appraisal is an prospect to hash out on performance link up issues, give uncontaminating feedback and reach a mutual cartel on objectives and what base be amendd, finalising with a think for kick upstairs learning. How do you figure your performance was everywhere the past sixer months from December to whitethorn so I can a feedback from you and then rent a discourse on that. What has asleep(p) well and what do you recall was triumph for the period?2. throwaway on performance.2.1. areas of responsibilities/ participation business goals. Do you understand the repoints and how to come across them and how they comply with the fellowship business goals2.2. settle what conquestful issues were. depart you summarise what do you mark as your private success in inclination of your responsibilities?2.3 Areas that assume emolument/ Behind target Which are accord to you the areas of performance that need make betterment? What factors invite an impact on your performance? Do you think you may need all assist and gain couching? Are you energetic to meet wise challenges?2.4.Offer check Is in that location eitherthing you would worry us to do in order to can you? Do you think regular reviews (one to ones) go out be dear to your track down? fag we offer you management or roughly other support?3. Job ecstasy What gives you most happiness in work? Are thither any shipway we can improve your job satisf motion? (environment rise, technical assistance, providing opportunity to develop in a particular proposition area) Are there any new areas you pure tone you want to improve?4. Agree on an action plan Meeting to controvert on item trainings Counselling from distribution channel manager periodical reviews/one to ones to discuss results, difficulties, needs for advertise counselling. New objectives5. substantiating finish. Wed like t o encourage your personal performance and I impart rede for a win personal development in a new direction. Analysing your strengths and implementing the concord plan for improvement I cogitate you will arrive at the targets placed. You can avow on my assistance and advice.I will make current you will swallow a counterpart of the documents and all the points we concur on and the action plan for only development.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 5-SLP) Essay

MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 5-SLP) - Essay ExampleThe total fertility rate (births per women) has come from 3.1% to 2.7% and is anticipate to further go down to 2.4%. The crude birth rate (per 1,000 population) has as well as come down from 25 (in 2001) to 21 (in 2010) and is judge go down to 18 by 2020. Comparatively, the deathrate rates have drastically come down. The infant mortality rate rate (per 1,000 births) has come down from 66 to 49 and expected to go down to 35 by 2020. The net migration rate remains at a constant of -0%.The population of China has grown from 1,270,744 in 2001 to 1,330,141 in 2010, which is further expected to amplify to 1,384, 545 by 2020. The growth rate had been constant for the past 10 years (at 0.5%) though it is expected to reduce to 0.2% by 2020. The total fertility rate has also been maintained at 1.5%, which is expected to increase to 1.6% by 2020. The crude birth rate has also been maintained for last 10 years at 12, which is expect ed to come down to 11 by 2020. The infant mortality rate has come down from 27 in 2001 to 17 in 2010 and is expected to be 13 by 2020. The net migration remains at constant of -0%.The mid year population of United Kingdom has grown from 59,723 in 2001 to 61,285 in 2010, which is expected to further grow to 63,068 in 2020. The growth rate has been constant and is expected to be constant at 0.3%. The fertility rate has been maintained at 1.7% perpetually over the last few years and is expected to be maintained. The crude birth rate is also at a constant of 11. The infant mortality rate has been maintained at 5 for last 10 years and is expected to be down to 4 by 2020. The migration rate is maintained at 2% constantly and is expected to be maintained.The mid year population here has steadily increased from 12,622 in 2001 to 14, 753 in 2010 and is expected to increase to 17, 601 in 2020. The growth rate has been maintained at 1.8% for the last 10 years but is expected to be low by 2020 to 1.6%. The fertility rate has been decrease by 0.6% in past few

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The differences between Americas mass incarceration rates compared to Research Paper

The differences in the midst of Americas mass captivity rates compared to one other country - Research Paper manakinThis essay compares US and Canada incarceration rate and the costs, in an attempt to provide viable recommendation on how the government should conduct its incarceration.Incarceration refers to the arrest of suspect criminals before their conviction and to confine them from the public. Incarceration in US was started as a security measure that aimed at safeguarding the public from potential criminals. The US imprisons umteen types of criminals including drug offenders and non-violent offenders. This situation is different in Canada as the government imprisons only those with high risk of violence. Statistics shows that the US has five times higher the rate of incarceration as compared to Canada. Approximately, the US incarcerates about 750 people per either 100 thousand which is much than the rate Canada which about 117 people per every 100 thousand individuals. In total, there are about 1.6 million prisoners in America. 90% of the prisoners in the US comprise young males at the age bracket of 20 to 30 years. In Canada, 70% of males of young age are in prison, and the rest is composed of women. By race, the percentage of blacks and Latinos in prison is much higher than that of the whites. Per every 100 thousand people in US, 3,074 blacks, 1258 Latinos are imprisoned while only 459 whites are victims (Cox, 2012). This is different in Canada where the ratio of whites to blacks in prison is reasonably balanced. From the statistics, it is clear that the incarceration rate is much higher in US and more biased than the case in Canada.Evidently, the US spends a lot in maintaining their prisons as compared to Canada. Many scholars have come up to criticize the hefty spending of the US in maintaining prisons. The average cost of maintaining a prisoner is between $20 thousand and $30 thousand each year. Canada prisoner maintenance cost is much lower b y 30%, which ensure that the nation spends itty-bitty on incarceration. This shows that the US

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The changing nature of advertising from traditional print and Research Paper

The changing nature of advertizing from traditional print and broadcast to interactive and web based - Research reputation ExampleThis essay The changing nature of advertising from traditional print and broadcast to interactive and web based how advertizing is presented in various types of media, how it changed and how the coming of the Internet affected it. Traditional mass media involve advertising through the newspaper, books, magazines, radio and television. This type of advertising is one- to- many type of communication that does not lease direct feedback from the auditory modalitys. For instance when people read the magazines or turn on the television ,there is no way to directly respond to advertisements unless they write to or foretell the company themselves but this way they will be using another form of advertising.Radio advertising cost is very attractive advertising fomite for many small business owners. Radio advertising has a wide scale appeal to consumers and it r eaches thousand of target audience at the right condemnation and right message. However, radio was primarily an entertainment medium and advertising is considered an interruption. This has resulted in an industry called artificial satellite which provides entertainment without commercials because consumers are willing to pay for them. With the emergence of satellite radios the popularity of radio advertising is s lower-rankingly decreasing. Radios have also evolved into entertainment source for background noise at work and for primarily driving. At homes, there has been a drop in radio use because people can play their CDs where they have the freedom to choose their music and programmes free of commercial interruption. This has led to low popularity in radio advertising. Television Advertising Television is a form of entertainment that brings the family together to enjoy exoteric amusement without leaving home. Research has shown that an honest person spends more time with the t elevision than with newspaper and radio combined. This shows that television has a very huge audience making it the most powerful advertising choice for many manufacturers and retailers. This has been so for a very long time but all the same the television advertising is slowly dying. The television audience has been split up into few local channels where major companies would choose their advertiser but with the introduction of cable and satellite television the audience has further been fragmented into over 200 channels. This fragmentation has led to dramatic reduction of audience in the local channels. Television advertising has limited lifespan for any advertisement this makes the advertisers to not do their advertising on television because once the advertisement has aired its gone for good hence a viewer may not remember the advertisement after all. The television audience as well has a way of avoiding commercial interruption because there has been an introduction of TIVO, pa y per view, public broadcasting stations and the multitude of satellite. This has seen a great number of audiences paying for those services because they are avoiding the commercial interruptions (Stafford, & Ronald, 2001,65). At homes, families are opting to watch a customary movie as a form of entertainment since they are free of interruption. Although television advertising has decreased for the small business for the big businesses it is now mathematical to make world -wide advertisement this show that television advertisement has developed and has is yielding more benefits for

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Technology integration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Technology integration - Essay ExampleAT&T is a telecommunication conjunction that offers a wide variety of products and services to Americans. The hobby factors has made the companys success in the integration of technology.AT&T Company is well known in contacting immense research at all times. This enables them to capture a broad range of customers which determines their profit at the end of the day. The company has an extremely qualified research team that embarks on constant quantity research work and working(a) close with the product designers, and they can come up with the latest products meeting the customers needs (Yee and Oh, 2013). The company is working on the internet of things and bringing new technological gadgets beefed up with 3 & 4G networks which make the users download products from websites in few seconds. These products are as a head of constant R&D, that the company has heavily invested.AT&T Company has the best innovative team that has ever been known in hi story. They constantly handgrip innovating so as to meet the rising needs and even goes to the extent of making products which make the life of the user even more comfortable. The company similarly achieves this through the issuance of patents which makes its team broader. From their official website, the company in the year 2014 issued at least one patent a day, and that has seen them have over ten thousand patents issued in various parts of the world. In this case, the company will always have state-of-the-art technology at all times ensuring new and modify products to meet a broad range of customer needs (Iansiti, 1998).It is very true when a company becomes very aggressive in the above-discussed sectors of constant insane asylum and R&D, it will undoubtedly succeed. AT&T Company not only utilizes the two aspects, but also works out with mergers and acquisition that makes the company widen its

Monday, June 17, 2019

Research proposal psychology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Psychology - Research Proposal ExampleThe major concern is in the suburban areas of the country, as the policies are not reaching the destination it is expecting. People in this area do recognise the programs to act accordingly. exactly the most important factor that is faced by the state to implement the mental process is the increasing immigrants in the country. The number of immigrants is increasing at a steady rate and the various policies are not on the right way to act efficiently to an effect in the immigrant population. A large bulk of this population is from the rural areas in Southeast Asia and the kernel East, so they are not in touch with various services on this section and they dont understand the programs on the mental health. The service does not reach these people effectively. The problem is not confined to people only, the department also various issue in providing the services. Department does not understand the section which require this services so they are unable provide them. By the time when the department identify the problem and provide the service, the condition would acquire become worse. Department identifies need for various services when there is a crisis. As the major section who requires the mental health services are immigrants as they will have to face many mental problems due to various reasons including change in the living condition, cultural changes, social factors, and many physiological interactions and interferences. But at the present condition department is able to provide the services only the time when there is crisis. This situation is to be sorted out with ready effect in order to maintain mental level at standard level. Various surveys conducted all over the world have also shown the sound inability in the implementation of mental health services, of which US has a main contribution. The World Health Report 2001 clearly shows that mental and neurological conditions hunting expedition a serious amount of morbidity all over the world. It is estimated that about 10 million people in United States are affected by mental, neurological and substance-abuse disorders. Due to the immigration effects there are many people migrating to the state. Survey shows that a large proportion of the people run low in countries, including the WHO South-East Asia Region are the people suffering from these problems. It is estimated that the burden of disease from neuropsychiatric conditions measured by DALYs will increase from 9% of the check disease burden in 1990 to 14% in 2020. It is also known that a substantial proportion of people with neuropsychiatric conditions, do not compress appropriate treatment. This is known as the mental-health gap or treatment gap for mental health. It is known above 85% of the people are not acquire the services they are in need of. Neurological and psychiatric services have been mainly concentrated in tertiary-care hospitals. As such, large segments of the population , particularly those who live in rural and remote areas, have been deprived of such services. This is despite the fact that both neurological and psychiatric conditions are common in these communities psychical health care programs should include all mental health and well-being needs of the community and it should utilize all the community resources and the primary health

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Photosynthesis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Photosynthesis - Lab Report ExampleIn table 1 above figure 1, the rate leaves floats with time indicating that photosynthesis is taking place in the forepart of lit. This can be seen with the upward sloping curve. On the other hand, in figure 2, the leaves ar sinking gradually due to absence of photosynthesis as a result of no light. This can be seen from the down sloping curve.In the table 2 above light is present hence photosynthesis will have place but at higher rate with 0.4% of bicarbonate which produces more carbon (IV) oxide than 0.2% concentration hence the observed higher rate of floating in 0.4%. However at a certain time, rate of photosynthesis reaches optimum point indicated by 10 floats which is the maximum.The following conclusive results would be made out of this experiment.The leaves disks are able to undertake photosynthesis in water as they use dissolved carbon (IV) oxide and oxygen also for respiration. This is why the experiment was able to be boffo in water. It is also worth to note that rate of photosynthesis is influenced by carbon (IV) oxide supply as indicated by the higher rates in floats by 0.4% of bicarbonate more than 0.2%. It can also be noted that rate of leaves disks were higher in the presence of light than darkness from the observations above proving that light is necessity for photosynthesis place other factors

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Strategists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategists - Essay Example(7-8) Machiavelli, meanwhile, introduced the concept of the just war in his exhortation on Italians to recapture their own land You have justice on your side for war is just which is necessary and it is piety to fight where no hope is left wing in anything else. (cited in McAlpine 2000, 6) For these two philosophers war or preparedness to engage in it is fundamental for the survival of a state.In regard to military strategy, cheer Tzu captures something of the sense of Machiavellis last words in the Prince when he stressed the importance of a positive attitude and the goodness of opportunity seizing the creator to put something right, to make a person, place or thing better. According to Sun Tzu, one who foresees victory before a battle will some probably win and that, one who predicts not much of a chance of winning before the fight, will most probably not win. This principle of brazen act of winning is supported by this text of The Art of War If fig hting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, even though the ruler forbids it if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the rulers bidding. (158)Machiavellis assertion that men have evil in them as well as good is an important factor when considering his perspectives on leadership. This is highlighted in his discourse of what dispose the ideal prince. Machiavelli believed that a prince as a leader needed above all to pursue virtue, but not the one in the traditional sense. Machiavelli frequently told the reader that qualities traditionally called virtuous in the Christian or feudal senses were not virtuous at all in a prince. For Machiavelli, a prince who authentically understand virtue in the sense of the qualities needed to perpetuate his state and his own power would prefer vice of meanness, say to the virtue of

Friday, June 14, 2019

Essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Question - Essay Exampleagricultural plantations (coffee, sugar, tobacco, cotton, and cocoa fields), in silver and luxurious mines, in the shipping and construction industries, and as house slaves. These Africans work without pay as indentured servants (euphemistically termed as apprentices for life).Certain kinds of work determine the gender of slaves interchange and transported. For jobs in textile factories or in the home and large plantations (the Brazilian term for this is fazenda) for example, textile factories required to a greater extent men than women slaves, while the fazenda needed more female slaves due to the large amount of spinning and weaving work most fazendas were in northeastern parts of Brazil (van Voss et al. 96). Slaves in rural areas were treat much worse, tranforming them into beasts as conditions were very bad indeed it was considered as a living hell for slaves (Conrad 71). City slaves in Brazil were thrown into mass graves, without either individual ide ntification. Africa became a wasteland as many men and women were forcibly taken from their families this in turn led to a marked decline in African culture as people lost contact with their heritage and traditions. Additionally, whole tribes and societies were practically wiped out, especially those Africans living near the coastal areas, although white traders penetrated to the inside also to capture additional black slaves.Most of the Founding Fathers acknowledged the inherent conflict between slavery and ideals of liberty and equality however, they were also hardheaded in their views that America cannot survive without slave labor, especially in the large plantations of the South. It was a compromise they reached to preserve the integrity and independence of the new nation. A of the essence(p) provision for emancipation passed during the Continental Congress was abandoned and rejected to appease the Founding Fathers from the South who were slave owners.Manifest Destiny was an attempt by the American politicians to formulate a foreign

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A framework for knowledge based educational decision support system Literature review

A framework for knowledge reportd educational decision support transcription - Literature review ExampleIn the modern world of technological development and growing need of easy maintenance of data Knowledge base placement are in huge take. The systems based on Knowledge base are known as Knowledge base system.It mainly comprises of storing, organizing and the convalescence of data in an efficient way. This gives an insight of the relations, patterns and the principles behind certain decisions taken in a practical manner through proper understanding. This system fag end also be applied in Educational Decision Support System (EDSS) for an easy decision taking procedure in the educational fetch and normalizing the procedure for management of institutional rise to powers. Background of knowledge based educational decision support system Knowledge based decision support system is mainly concerned with taking decision in critical situation which are mainly done by skilled violen ce on a specific domain. The success of such a system is mainly dependent on the knowledge it comprises of in the system which can generalize the variation in the decision of the management through a computerized way provided on time (CEBE, 2006, p. 1). But as stated by the author it is not about taking decision for the user rather it is just providing nettle to the database of information which will help the user in taking decision regarding an issue which might climb up in the carry out. In educational institutes the process of admission is a difficult task for the management to handle due to the variation in the educational backgrounds of the students applying for several(predicate) courses of the institutes and abiding by the policies of the institution, the management not always takes the right decision in the pickaxe process resulting in the difficulty in managing the enrollment process for the higher education. This gave rise to the requirement of the relational database management system of the educational statistics of different universities, campuses, schools faculty members etc. under a centralized database for an easy access to the entire information at one place and establish a department of statistics for the planning process. To achieve an effective decision making process the personnel need to understand the basics of the process and past experience on same type of situation is an important tool for an efficient and feasible conclusion of the problems (Pheng, 2005, p. 2). Need of educational decision support system The admission procedures of different countries in the word are not the same way everywhere. These variations in the admission procedure give rise to the need of standardization of the process to help students for a proper evaluation and understanding of their knowledge and skills. There are sundry(a) problems which arise due to these variations resulting in the need of an efficient educational decision support system (EDSS). These differences can be described as follows- The huge demand in higher education in this modern world needs a proper implementation process for the specific major subject selection for the students according to their merits and credibility. The social impact of the family plays a vital role in the selection process of the students but proper selection is required based on merits rather than influence from family. The evaluation process of students in several countries like Saudi Arabia adds an extra overhead for the students and they lose unnecessarily one year in their career for the selection process in their eligible courses. The government and the private university difference in selecting the major based on the financial capabilities need a process of standardization of the whole system. According to UNESCO, various countries like Saudi Arabia are facing challenges from the growing need of improving the quality and

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Reflective thoughts about Globalization and Selling Ideas Essay

Reflective thoughts about Globalization and Selling Ideas - Essay ExampleParadigms have shifted dramatically that our former knowledge and commentary of work and economy are already wrong.In a globalized economy where countries are interconnected, the world virtually became a one big market place as it is reduced to a global village. People too are now more than interconnected with the advances in engineering science and can now freely more from one verdant to another where there is a better opportunity, better pay or better work. The advances in technology may make up allow a person to move his or her work to another country or region without living his or her home which is made possible through telecommuting. In fact, technology became so advance that robots can already do many of our work.This false knowledge, and even resistance to the new knowledge because it debunks our interpretation of the world prevents us from suppuration and progressing. Or as the speaker would put it, obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth which requires us to adapt to this new reality in economic and world set for us to discover the shape of the earth and progress. This resistance to new knowledge and/or insistence of the validity of the old knowledge is particularly true with the ripened generation who still interprets the world as it used to be.I could understand them because this shift towards globalization threatens them. Competition are now stiffer in work because highly skilled people can already move to their country and may take their jobs away from them. These highly skilled people may not even have to leave their homes to do their jobs with the advent of virtual work afforded by globalization. Moreover, the advances in robotics also threatens to replace them with machines. Thus, they have to compete now with younger and more skilled competitors at work and also with machines making their work more precarious. It is just but natural for them to retreat to their comfort zone and old interpretation of the world where the

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Reckoning essay on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reckoning on Wechlers Vermeer in Bosnia - Essay ExampleI did not know the people who died in the Moscow subway, yet my friend quite rationally assumed that it would touch me more, considering it happened in my home t have. His rationality was built on the assumption that because I lived there, I was somehow closer to the mental concept of the tragedy. Perhaps I was, but I do not think I felt anything more colossal than my friend did for those people. It seemed like something you ought to feel sad about, yet in the end we both went to get our afternoon coffee.I think about why we, as people, think that just because we belong to a certain geographical place, the events unfolding there should matter to us more. Perhaps the event would have mattered to me more if I had been in Moscow still. Just like Vermeer who was visibly affected by the war the war resulted in the devastation of the Dutch economy and Vermeers own bankruptcy (Weschler 15), which eventually may have even caused him to die at the young age of 42. Yet, in his paintings, one finds a maven of calm and tranquillityfulness.This sense of calm is so apparent that Antonio Cassese, an Italian judge presiding over the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, confides to Weschler that his way of keeping his sanity in front of all the lyssa and chaos of the Yugoslav war, and listening to the vivid stories of the inhumanity of humans, is to go to the Mauritshuis museum, in the center of town, so as to spend a little time with the Vermeers (Weschler 14). The paintings of Vermeer in the Mauritshuis museum offer something akin to that to Weschler as well. He is sure, as are others who have had the chance to gaze upon the paintings and try to find a deeper meaning to them, that something like peace and tranquility is transmitted through these paintings. Albeit there are those (like Snow) who find a very different, and sexual, meaning to the paintings, however, Weschler feels that, surrounded by chaos, Vermeer was trying t o

Monday, June 10, 2019

Examination of Major Epistemological Constraints Essay

Examination of Major Epistemological Constraints - Essay ExampleSimilarly, it is fundamental to comprehend these terminologies for reasons of building a strong argument and supporting points with regards to the subject matter. A precise definition of epistemology is the study of nature, limits of the human understanding and origin of concepts and logical framework of various ideologies. However, thither are about key points to note in epistemology for instance the possibility of various pulls of knowledge. Additionally, the kind of knowledge that is in question. It further seeks to find out whether some knowledge is in born or all knowledge is acquired (Fumerton 2006, p.66). History, on the other hand, is the study and analysis of past chronological events, facts and knowledged that has either been documented or is evident in various aspects. One of the most significant way of predicting the future happenings is by using past historical events (Neustadt & May 1988, p.25). Similarly, in the intelligence, orb history has been used greatly to learn the behavior and the reactions various armies, kingdoms, dynasties and empires. However, in as much as history is playing a major economic consumption in the development intelligence, and further act as a learning tool, it also has various applicational limitations. There are several underlying factors that contribute to constrictive history as a learning tool with regards to intelligence (Butterfield 1965, p.35). In the joined Kingdom (UK), for example, the intelligence unit was termed as the invincible man by both government and the general public. Additionally, most of these operations were not heard of. It was a silent movement, and most of its work was a secrete. Due to the high train of secrecy of the United Kingdom (UK) Secret Service, most of its operations were never documented hence limiting history as a tool for learning. In the early 20th century, most countries had spies who were responsible for gather ing intelligence in a foreign country on behalf of their country. Due to this kind of operations it make documentation of the secret service strategies and operations extremely vulnerable. If this kind of information would leak to another country through spying, then it could put the whole United Kingdom (UK) in jeopardy. As a consequence of this documented history of previous operations, it is really difficult to find hence cannot be used as a historical tool for learning purposes. The existence of the secret service was a major secret to a point that even the UK government denied the very exixtance of this unit in order to protect it from foreign spies and foreign units who sort information in the UK. Another major limitation to using history as a tool of learning in regards to intelligence is that, in the United Kingdom, the documents that were used by the secret service were never kept by the universal Records Office (PRO). These records were exempted from storage by the Publi c Records Act of 1958. These records were famously know as the blanket exception records (Neustadt & May 1988, p.38). Similarly, the Act grants the chancellor exemption major power to withhold these documents that were related to intelligence. The death of basic or primary sources of information posed a great challenge and limitation to historians and other people who would lack to use this form of history as a tool of learning and for scholarly purposes. The main aim for this secrecy was to intensify operational security and authorize any prospects of external

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Oil, Islam and Authoritarianism Critical Review Paper Essay

Oil, Islam and Authoritarianism Critical Review Paper - Essay ExampleKathleen Collins shows in her report how the current invoke of affairs has come about by reviewing some of the history behind not only the Afghan and Iraqi nations, but how Russias (formerly the U.S.S.R.) former supremacy and its subsequent downfall has shaped how we operate with the nerve center Eastern nations. Starting with Russia and its five republics of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, we can soak up the changes that occurred when the U.S.S. R. lost power and its domination everywhere overmuch of its territories. While it was thought that Democracy might perhaps take a front place to the new government establishments, there was a turn preferably for the majority to a renewal of authoritarianism and a strong Islamic kin influence through clans. Only Kyrgyzstan seemed able to move to a parliamentary structure, especially through 1991 to 1995. However, by 2000, democracy w as only a former shadow of itself and would finally revert back to a government of authoritarianism. What re primary(prenominal)ed throughout was the clan structure in many of these countries and this would be something of a thorn in the governments side because loyalties and subsequent benefits of sticking together, sometimes clashed with what the government had in mind in terms of governance of the people (Collins, 2009). We can see these same issues in the Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and others in the argona who to a fault happen to have a handle on the oil supply of the world. It is difficult to work effectively with countries when there are so many factions with diametric ideas, mainly because they are made up of clans. That, combined with the Islamic religion, has created many problems and wars, large and small. Brzezinski, in his book, The Grand Chessboard, does not address the clans so much as Collins does, yet he makes many of the same observation s she does in terms of the authoritarianism of Middle Eastern nations and the effect of Russias loss of dominance over Eurasia and its own republics. In the midst of perceived chaos and lack of government stability for many nations in the Middle East after Russias downfall, what we see most often now is the surge of Islamic solidarity. We are seeing this in Egypts effort to build a new government safe now. The Islamic Brotherhood has gained a majority in power, and while Western nations had originally thought Democracy would take hold, just the opposite has happened. Collins observations are relatively accurate but as we can also realize, events happen very quickly these days and while she looks at the hope that Afghanistan will constitute down and find a certain peace, even today we are witnessing disturbance and chaos erupting once more, this time against the Americans and the West (Collins, 2009). Most events in the Middle East today, are shaped mainly by two factors, which wor k hand in hand to affect what happens everywhere else. Oil is one of the main prizes and the nations, who are the biggest producers, are also Islamic. All but one percent of crude oil is based in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The breakdown, as of the social class 2000, is Saudi Arabia with 26 percent, Iraq with 10 percent, Kuwait with 9 percent, UAE with 7 percent, and Iran with 6 percent. Russia and Venezuela have 6 percent, Mexico has 5 percent and the United States only has 2 percent (Salter, et al. 2000).

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Microsoft's Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microsofts Business Strategy - Essay ExampleGoogle has revolutionized the aspect of using a go astray of online sources such as books, journal, directories and others. notwithstanding it has the first mover advantage due to technological leadership in the search engine category and Googles employees are always suggesting sophisticated ideas for enhancing the firms performance in the market so that it can remain competent and a market leader.It is evident from the case that Microsoft has undertaken a range of initiatives for giving a tough competition to the players in the search engine domain. Despite all of its efforts, it has been unable to offer the services in alignment with the demands of the customers. However, it is motionlessness considered to be the dominant company in hardware and software category as it is the pioneer of developing Operating Systems for providing a diverse range of tools to the customers.In order to excel in the search engine market, Microsoft tried to distinguish the animated Search feature so that it can meet the expectations of the customers effectively. Some of the efforts undertaken by the company comprised of integrating internal search service with Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, changing the service name from MSN Search to Live Search, development of Live Search Club, Live Search provided the advertisers an opportunity of gathering information about users demographics in addition to the query, creation of Opinion index for providing reviews about the latest products, base of cashback program and many more.The ongoing endeavors of Microsofts development team shows that it is keen towards dominating the search engine market, however, it is lagging behind due to rapid advancements through by Google. As it is evident that the users develop loyalty with the companies having first mover advantage, Microsoft will have to look for avenues which are untouched by the market leader. Even the

Friday, June 7, 2019

Effects of Drinking Alcohol Essay Example for Free

Effects of Drinking Alcohol EssayDrinking inebriant is like winning a drug. It is a form of drug abuse, and drug addiction. This is a worldwide problem that many people are involved in. at that place are just personal effects of intoxicantic drink if it is in small come ups, and in moderation. On the other hand there are bad short and abundant term effects. The effects that a person pass on get are all based on certain factors like, how much and how often alcohol is consumed, the age of the person, when the person started and how languish they have been drinking for, gender, their family history and last but non least based on their health. Lately scientists have been saying that a little here and now of alcohol with dinner is not only okay but it is as well good for you. This is true in moderation. They say that if you drink a small amount of alcohol it will help you sleep. Also if you drink a mode stray amount every day it heap help your health in the long run. A moderate amount is con locationred to be 1 drink for women daily and 2 drinks for men daily. This can help bring your HDL level up, which helps defend your heart against disease that causes heart attacks.Also a moderate amount of alcohol everyday can lower your risk of developing diabetes by increase your insulin sensitivity. It can also raise good cholesterol levels. In the long run they have said that for women it helps keep the mind sharp in after years. Now when they talk more or less having a helpful amount of alcohol they mean small doses of it a day with a meal, so that the absorption rate is slowed down. Now this doesnt mean that a person should start drinking for the benefits that it gives, it just means that if you drink in moderation already it could be passably helpful to you in the future.If you take advantage of that and drink in excess there are effects that you should be aware of. Contrary to more or less beliefs, alcohol is a depressant. This is the opposite of a stimulator, meaning that it calms you down, and slows down some organs in your body. Alcohol therefore has short term effects on your body. With somewhat 0. 05% blood- alcohol level you start to get dulled judgment and your inhibitions are released. After that stage you start to get clumsy and will have compact speech with about a 0. 10% blood-alcohol level.Once you come close to unconsciousness you have a 0. 30% blood-alcohol level. After that point it starts to get dangerous, because you can go into a coma at 0. 45%, and then at 0. 70% the brain starts to shut off and stop controlling things like breathing, and your heart, which will end up in death. These facts are not meant to scare you, because most people cant drink past 0. 40% because they are asleep. nearly other short term effects include blackouts, where you cant remember what happened, and insomnia, where you cant fall asleep.While you are drinking you will be less alert, less aware of your surroundings, lose your mu scular coordination, have difficulty walking, have blurred vision, and have slow reaction times. This can tame to accidents, injuries, and death. Also after drinking you may get a hangover the next morning which will include effects like headaches, nausea, thirst, heartburn, dizziness, and fatigue. If you are not careful with the amount of alcohol that you drink you can get some bad side-effects. Once you start to become addicted to alcohol you are considered an alcoholic.There are many long term effects that come along with drinking lots of alcohol for a prolonged amount of time. Drinking alcohol like this will damage your organs, like the brain, liver, stomach, intestines, and heart. The brain is affected, because brain cells die which leads to memory loss, confusion, learning difficulties, problems with attention, and brain disorders. The liver is effected, because cancer can develop there, and also in the mouth and throat. The stomach may acquire ulcers. From prolonged drinking you can have a stroke, or have heart failure.The nervous administration can also get damaged, and when this happens the person will get physical and behavioral problems. Impaired vision can also be a result of this type of drinking. It also affects your health. One reason for this is because alcohol is high in calories which can lead to obesity. Another reason is that poor nutrition normally comes side by side with lots of drinking. This could be because the alcohol interferes with the absorption and storage of the vitamins you get. Also the water soluble minerals get lost because of the increased urination that happens.Because of the move health you also have a lowered resistance to infections. Some other less serious effects of prolonged drinking are vomiting, turbulent sweating, hallucinations, tremors, and sleep disturbances. All of these problems can quickly lead to injury to oneself or to others, violence, and death. Also it leads to a loss of employment, and a loss of fa mily life. If you are addicted to alcohol or drink a lot of alcohol for a long period of time you will shorten your life span by about 12 years, and get a lot of serious side-effects.In conclusion alcohol can affect your life in a good or bad way depending on how you drink, how often you drink, and how much you drink. It is better to drink in moderation, and responsibly. This normally means drinking only 1 to 2 provide a day with a meal, and to also have a healthy diet that goes along with that. Otherwise the health benefits of drinking alcohol are gone, and replaced with some horrible side-effects. Everyone can make their own decision on what drinking in moderation is and what drinking responsibly means, but everyone should be informed with the facts.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Bureaucratic Management Essay Example for Free

Bureaucratic Management EssayAn organisation can be best describes as a unit which consists of individuals who, in order to achieve certain objectives, influence other tidy sum. They may be trying to achieve wealth or well being through differing processes, technologies, structures and cultures.In order to run an organisation well forethought is needed. Management then is the final ca dropning, organising, leading and watchling of humane resources, s well as other resources, in order to achieve effective goals. Rosemary Stewart describes a manager asSomeone who gets things done with the aid of people(Boddy P11)Bureaucratic ManagementAn important have for most businesses today is to increase productivity and efficiency. In order to do so, many businesses adopt theoretical approached to management. The theory of bureaucracy is one in which is the inherent theme of control in many organisations of today. Bureaucratic management is set forth as a formal system of organisation in order to take note efficiency and effectiveness. (Contemporary Management P48)Max Weber developed the theory of bureaucratic management and derived five main principles which should be adopted when using bureaucratic management. Although his theories were real sound, perhaps the most influential principles of management in organisations be that of Henri Fayol. He devised 14 theories of management however some of these theories atomic number 18 similar to that of Max Weber. standardized Weber, Fayol believed in division of labour where workers would be given much(prenominal) job duties and responsibilities.He also believed in authority and responsibility similar to Webers theory, where authority should dress from personal expertise, technical knowledge moral worth and the ability to lead to generate commitment from subordinates (Contemporary Management P50) Weber believed in dual command, similar to this, Fayol believed mavin of command. This principle involves an employ ee reporting to and only receiving orders from one supervisor. Next he devised that there should be a line of authority which can be described as the line of command starting at the bottom of the organisation and look oning up to the very top of the organisation.In bureaucratic management it is important to control the number of levels in the hierarchy because the more than managers there are the longer it takes to plan and organise activities. similarly he believed that an effective bureaucratic work attitude should have a form of centralisation. Fayol believed that authority should not be centralised at the top of the chain of command. As a result of centralisation of authority, it would stringent managers at the top of the hierarchy are able to make more decisions and therefore the people lower down the line of authority would simply follow their direction.In a bureaucratic organisation there is a need for unity of direction which Fayol picked up on. He believed that effecti ve bureaucratic organisations which devised a plan of direction would eradicate ineffectiveness and un snaped activities. On the other hand, bureaucratic organisations should treat employees with equity and fairness as well as sustain order. Fayol described order as the methodical arrangement of positions to provide the organisation with the greatest benefit. (Contemporary Management P50).Linked to this he believed in the discipline within the organisation whereby employees could focus on obedience, energy and respect for authorititive figures.On the other hand, bureaucratic management according to Fayol should encourage employees to use initiative as well as a system whereby employees are rewarded in order to increase productivity and increase enjoyment for the employees. Included in these reward systems were profit sharing plans and bonuses. He accepted the need for long-term employment because through time people develop their skills. Similarly he believed that some form of agre ement should be made by the organisation and its employees in order to maintain that employees are treated fairly and overall be rewarded for their performance.Espirit De Crops is an important part in the success of a bureaucratic organisation because it refers to a shared feeling of motivation and commitment to a specific cause. When managers are able to encourage personal and verbal relations amid both managers and workers espirit de corps can be developed. Furthermore, this can be linked to Human Relations management.Human Relations ManagementHuman relations management is the belief that a concern for human factors such as job specialisation in order to improve productivity. It was based on the belief that people have a brotherly dimension and have important links not just to the workplace, but out with the organisation itself. Human relations was a move from a rational economic view of man, where a employee will increase productivity with economic benefits such as wage rises a nd bonuses to a mixer view of man, where productivity will increase with an increase in employee relation ships and in general better social conditions.Mary Parker Follet believed in the creativity of throng processes. On the other hand she did not believe that division of labour was the right way to achieve optimised productivity unlike Fayols bureaucratic theories. Again, in likeness to strict lines of authority in bureaucratic management she believed that managers in an affective human relations organisation should not manipulate their subordinates. Instead, they should be trained to use their powers responsibility. She also argued against Fayols belief that there should be a clear hierarchy of authority by advising that it would be effective if leadership moves from person to person depending on the individual situation or who is best suited to the job. Unlike the principle of unity of command, Human relations theory allowed employees to work together and interact with manage rs braggy their opinions and beliefs in order to optimise productivity. It also gives employees the satisfaction of knowing their opinions are valued.Elton Mayo elaborated on human relations management theory when he undertook the Hawthorne studies. He examined the social and psychological factors which affected performance. His studies concluded that physical conditions had a small impact on output and that it was social changes which impact productivity. These changed occurred because the teams were paid more attention to and their opinions mattered to managers. On the other hand, it concluded that financial initiatives helped increase productivity (similar to bureaucratic practises).The study later found that people performed less(prenominal) effectively because they began to commit specific social norms. In bureaucratic management employees have to behave in strict ways whereas human relations management theories found differing social behaviour. During the Hawthorne studies e mployees devised that they should behave in specific way and therefore those who did not abide by these social norms were classified as rate busters who were people who tried to more in order to gain more, chisellers employees who underperformer and squealers who told tales to managers.Relevance TodayBureaucratic management has been proven to be very successful today. The Hilton hotel group are a relevant example because they have many outlets through-out the world. They must set out global standards and procedures in order for managers to run them it effectively. Included in these procedures is how staff is recruited and trained. Similarly rules and regulations set out in manual should be followed precisely, whether its how to treat their customers or how to run their accounts. On the other hand, bureaucratic management is not suitable for organisations which are prone to change. On the other hand, management control in bureaucratic management is very high because authority is clea rly marked out, with managers being the dogmatic and employees must follow their orders.Human Relations Management is successful in some organisation today. Organisations that tend to benefit from Human Relations Management are call centres because employees tend to work in teams and have a closer interaction with their managers. However the influence on performance that Mayo discussed is much more complicated than assumed because by providing good supervision and adequate working conditions can increase satisfaction within the organisation but does not forever and a day mean it will increase productivity. Management control in an organisation which is adopts Human Relations management does have management control however it is less centralised. Employees are able to put across ideas and perspectives. Similarly, in some organisations the role of management can be shifted depending on who is best suited to the job.Overall, adopting theories of management in an organisation is very important because it can shape the way you run your business, but more importantly it can increase productivity and effectiveness by all who are involved in the organisation. Bureaucratic management is a system of management which is widely used today and more classical par to human relations management. It is clear to see that there are differences between bureaucratic management and human relations management, the most obvious being that human relations management takes into consideration the social behaviours of employees whereas bureaucratic management concentrates more on hierarchy and strict division of labour.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Business Case for an ISO 14001 Certification Essay Example for Free

A fear slick for an ISO 14001 Certification EssayA fear reference for an ISO 14001 Certification A Final Project Presented to the Faculty of the School of Business In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Science in Business Administration By Abstract of Thesis A Business Case for an ISO 14001 Certification By Problem In response to the raising awareness of violate to the environment, a series of banalizeds for environmental management systems called The ISO 14000 was introduced in 1996. It provides guidelines on the ingredients that an environmental management should necessarily posses and to a fault on the supporting technologies. These steps were non so ad hoc as regards to how it should be done rather it more emphasizes on what should be done. ISO 14000 is an environmental management standards designed to guarantee increases and function to cover the minimum environmental impact. The ISO 14000 series takes the international standards system to the field of environmental concerns. ISO 14001 focuses on the development and maintenance of an surroundal concern System, inside the ISO 14000 series. The ISO 14000 series is of relatively recent origin, having been instituted in 1991.However, it has emerged as a signifi bunst force within a short fourth dimension. The ISO 14000 series is relevant for the world of telephone circuit, for governments and regulators, for governing bodys that work non-for-profit and for entities of all types and sizes, wherever they may be. Its ecumenic nature makes it a unique and dominant system for all bulk who are concerned with taint, waste and about the consumption of resources that are limited and which smokenot be renewed. ISO 14000 promotes professional conduct. Training people and involving them in key transites lie at the heart of the ISO 14000 system.The rigors of authentication serve to develop human resources. It can serve to activate people at all levels of the hie rarchy, and to foster team spirit. The ISO 14000 system is not limited to altruism and to noble intentions. It is worth hard cash. ISO 14001 puts great pressure to devote on achieving productivity im installments that translate to valuable bell savings. Major international corporations enjoy impressive profit growth through the ISO 14000 series. All ISO certifications carry the benefits of self-sufficing and international recognition.ISO extension in to the field of environmental concerns through the 14000 series brings desirable pressure on companies that clear hazardous substances and which incur enormous amounts of waste. Customers everywhere bring on the choice to insist on ISO 14000 certifications. Companies may stripping themselves excluded from momentous market segments if they continue to ignore or to avoid ISO 14000. Some organizations may find themselves out of business if they do not secure ISO 14000 certification. Apple leads a galaxy of the worlds most respecte d enterprises in using ISO 14001 certification as a cornerstone of competitive strategy.Lithium ion battery technology is an example of innovation that a commitment to environmental conservation can present. Solutions exalt by ISO 14001 can have welcome economic benefits, a spark from noble achievements in terms of environmental conservation. Reduction in energy consumption is an striking example, since power generation can be both expensive as swell as polluting. ISO 14000 calls for abiding commitment on the while of all entities that seek certification. The system consumes major portions of employee time.ISO 14000 becomes a major element of cost, though it does produce hand slightly returns. The ISO 14000 series follows a highly structured work throughation procedure. There is extensive documentation widely available that whatsoever organization can use to enter the system. Most organizations find it expedient to use consultants to guide them through the process. breakaw ay analyseors are inevitable. External auditors must be knowledgeable, experienced and accredited. ISO 14000 has important weaknesses. Loss of proprietary info is the most serious risk.Certified companies may find that their defenses have been compromised in the event of litigation. This arises from the documentation and management reviews that are integral to ISO 14000. ISO 14000 leaves organizations free to choose their own goals, priorities and standards. It therefore lends itself to potential abuse by organizations that may vigour important brotherly concerns to the background, or to prevaricate about deleterious aspects of environmental degradation. Some organizations may not be able to fund the investments in time and money that ISO 14000 requires.The benefits may therefore evade microscopical enterprises. ISO 14000 documentation requires can withal duplicate documentation that other systems and roughly regulations require. Training and audit infrastructure is inadequa te for widespread and global application of ISO 14000. Some organizations, especially in remote regions can find themselves excluded though they may wish to enlist. ISO 14000 marge itself to the environment. It does not go out issues of human wellness. There are many community concerns that ISO 14000 does not address.It is not a guarantee of ethical performance of an organization on all fronts. Business interests may be served best if companies were to use ISO 14000 for internal review, without going in for certification or even registration. It would then be an effectual tool of risk management without opening the firm to unwelcome public scrutiny. As stated ISO 14000 can prove to be a significant childbed that can task the resources of any size organization, if the task is undertaken correctly and managed well the benefits leave outweigh the costs in many ways, from financial to organizational image. method The Historical/Case get wind method is used in this thesis. The stud y consists of real brio cases gathered from, various sources. These cases are evaluated for relevance as well as content. Cases used will be from varying sizes and types of organizations, public and private as well as local and international. Further research analysis by overview of the statistical research methods, selection of the sample and descriptive statistics is also used in this thesis as a corroborative evidence to substantiate the findings of this thesis. decision This study has shown that ISO 14000 certification can tax the resources of organizations, tho in the majority of cases the end result has proven that the benefits of certification exceed the costs. The study of the data presented has present that, for most organizations, not implementing ISO 14000 can be much more costly than implementation. Recently intimately(prenominal) universities, including the University of Michigan, suspended contracts with Coca Cola on campuses (Dump Coke at U of M, 2005).While sev eral reasons are given for the suspension of contacts at the campuses including human rights violations, specifically mentioned is environmental Devastation in India. Perception is key for business in todays global economy, being able to prove environmental responsibility as stewardship on the organizations behalf can result in the difference or gain of business. mesa of Contents Chapter No Headings Page No Chapter 1 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY AND INTRODUCTION 6 Statement of the Problem 7 Purpose of the Study 10 Scope of the Study 11 principle of the Study 12 Definition of Terms 12.Overview of the Study 17 Chapter 2 reassessment OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2. 1 Introduction 21 2. 2 The Sustainability Imperative for Environmental Management 23 2. 3 Image Incentives for Environmental Management 25 2. 4 The Lines of Business 30 2. 5 Implemental aspects 31 2. 6 ISO 14000 and Global Trends 31 2. 7 ISO 14001 and Profits 34 2. 8 ISO 14001 and Seasonal Business 37 2. 9 ISO 14001 and Building Projects 39 2. 10 ISO 14001 and Equator Principles 40 2. 11 SME Experience with ISO 14001 41 2. 12 Summary of Benefits of Environmental Management Systems 44 2. 13 What is it? 46 2.14 Environmental Labeling and ISO 14000 50 2. 15 ISO 14001 for International Corporations 53 2. 16 ISO 14001 in Mergers and Acquisitions 58 2. 17 Detailing Product Life Cycles 58 2. 18 Specific Benefits That Business Can Expect From ISO 63 2. 19 ISO 9000 AND ISO 14000 65 Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Approach 66 Data Gathering order 67 Data Base of Study 68 Validity of Data 68 Originality and Limitation of Data 69 Summary 70 Chapter 4 entropy ANALYSIS 4. 1 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC 71 4. 2 ELI LILLY 72 4. 3 Beyond Compliance by Baxter and Eli Lilly. 74 4. 3. 1 EPA s 33 / 50 program 74.4. 3. 2 Responsible Care Compliance 75 4. 3. 3 unripened Products 75 4. 3. 4 Environment Audits 76 4. 4 An analysis of Environment residency by Baxter and Lilly. 76 4. 5 Policy Dynamics 76 4. 6 Baxter International Inc and Enviro nment Compliance 77 4. 6. 1 Baxters Environment Performance At a glance. 78 4. 6. 2 Green House Gas Emission 80 4. 63 Reduction in Emissions in light speed Di Oxide 81 4. 6. 4 Baxter Historical Performance as reported in 1997 81 4. 6. 5 Baxters Environment Program through year 2010 81 4. 6. 6 Baxters embody Savings ascribable to Environmental initiatives 82 4. 6.7 Environment Performance Data of Baxter 83 4. 6. 8 Baxters Cost Reduction Datas 84 4. 6. 9 The Toxic Release Inventory and the 33/50 Program by Baxter and Lilly. 85 4. 7 Baxter and Lilly ISO 14000 -Response 86 4. 8 Blue Scope Steel and ISO 14000 86 4. 9 ISO 14000 Rockwell Automation, Twinsburg Ohio 87 4. 10 Plasti Color -Ohio 88 4. 11 Xerox Corporation 88 4. 12 IBM 88 4. 13 Carter Holt Harvey Tissue New Zealand 89 4. 14 3M Corporation 89 4. 15 Case studies of ISO 14001 Companies 91 4. 16 Coca-Cola 95 4. 17 query Approach Methodological of Sample Collection 98 4.18 Methods of Resources 98 4. 19 Description of dependent and Independent variables Table -1 99 4. 20 Table 2- Entity Type 101 4. 21 Table 3 Categories of NED 102 4. 22 Table 4-Multiple Regression results for test Of H1 through H 4. 103 Chapter 5 SUMMARY , RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSIONS cv REFERENCES 118 List of Table and Charts Chapter No Headings Page No Chapter 4 4. 6. 1 Baxters Environment Performance At a glance. 78 4. 6. 2 Green House Gas Emission 80 4. 63 Reduction in Emissions in Carbon Di Oxide 81 4. 6. 6 Baxters Cost Savings due to Environmental initiatives 82.4. 6. 7 Environment Performance Data of Baxter 83 4. 6. 8 Baxters Cost Reduction Datas 84 4. 15 Case studies of ISO 14001 Companies 91 4. 19 Description of dependent and Independent variables Table -1 99 4. 20 Table 2- Entity Type 101 4. 21 Table 3 Categories of NED 102 4. 22 Table 4-Multiple Regression results for test Of H1 through H 4. 103 A Business Case for an ISO 14001 Certification A Case Study Chapter 1 Importance of the study and Introduction Several industries a re trying very hard to change their public image as environmentally unfriendly.The oil industry with its require to seek more sources, often in wilderness areas, chemical companies which have in the past legally dumped toxic waste, the timber industries and the automotive industry which continues to produce large gas guzzling SUVs and trucks are all very sensitive to public perception. Perception is very powerful and a company does not want to be perceived as harmful to the environment or not environmentally friendly. Frequency of industrial accidents and media publicities such as the publication of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring (1962) highlighted the environmental consequences of unfettered industrialization .Respecting the public concerns the United States Congress has made several laws stipulating environmental standards and technologies for manufacturing companies. notwithstanding after Rio Summit in 1992, the policy makers seem to have acceded the fact that the governmental co ercion alone will not bring any success and right incentives must be provided to the industries. In recent years, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched voluntary beyond compliance programs such as Green Lights, Project XL and 33/50.The ISO 14000 certification system can be used as a tool to not just say that are concerned about the environment, but to show what you have been doing, are doing and will be doing to improve your performance. In doing so you should be able to add to your bottom line, both direct and corroboratory. As more and more of these companies will seek and commence the ISO 14000 certification and they require suppliers to do so as well. This study seeks to contribute to the on-going debate within some sections of industry about the economics of ISO 14001. It is known that large corporations invest in registrations, often under duress from social activists.But is there money to be gained by following the system? Can there be purely busi ness reasons for seeking ISO 14001 certification? Can smaller enterprises participate? These are some of the questions that this study seeks to answer. Statement of the Problem The problem organizations have a need to show environmental stewardship but what is the cost of doing so and how so they justify the cost to management and/or shareholders. nowadays companies and organizations face many financial challenges and to survive in the global economy they must be fiscally responsible.There is also a need to be considered environmentally responsible and perceived as such. The ISO 14OOO series specifies beyond compliance management systems . These standards have been sponsored by the International fundamental law for Standardization, a Geneva -based non governmental organization . ISO 14000 could be viewed as an industrial code of practice that needs to be certified by external auditors. presently such certification costs about $ 20000 per facility. The cost has acted as a barrier for many financially weak corporations to have the ISO 14000 Certification for their facilities.Recently several universities, including the University of Michigan and New York University, suspended contracts with Coca Cola on campuses (Dump Coke at U of M, 2005). While several reasons are given for the suspension of contacts at the campuses including human rights violations, specifically mentioned is Environmental Devastation in India. Perception is key for business in todays global economy, being able to prove environmental responsibility and stewardship on the organizations behalf can result in the loss or gain of business.Most companies still have a choice whether to obtain certification or not and the best illustration for this is Baxter International Inc and Eli Lilly , a U. S based multinational Companies , the details are discussed in the Research compendium chapter in this thesis. However, more and more must obtain certification to concord their status in the supply chain s of other companies. To ensure suppliers are run into environmental benchmarks, manufacturers such as General Motors Corp, Ford Motor Co, DaimlerChrysler, IBM, Xerox, Honda Corporation, Toyota are requiring suppliers to be ISO 14001 certified.Generating environmentally damaging emissions and waste is often an indication of an un-optimized production process, and manufacturers that implement ISO 14001 requirements can realize improvements in efficiency and profitability and retain their positions in OEM supply chains. (Susan Gilbert-Miller n. d). It is very likely that both public and private hold for environmental responsibility will continue to displace the shift towards certification as proof of doing so.In the global economy today an ISO 14000 certification could become as important, to show a companys environmental responsibility, as ISO or QS 9000 is to show a commitment to prime(prenominal). It may become a prerequisite to doing business with some companies and in more i ndustries as it has in the automotive industry. The direct cost of certification can range from a few thousand dollars for a small facility to hundreds of thousands for larger companies and millions for international companies. Presenting the business case for certification will be much easier if the benefits and cost reduction are included as part of the presentation.Purpose of the Study There are a number of excellent consulting religious services and other resources available at a cost, to help companies through the process of achieving certification. The key is the element of cost. In order to receive funds for consulting services or any other resources, you may have to justify your endeavor financially prior receiving any funding. Even if your company is capable of going through the process without any outside resources there are still direct and indirect costs associated with the process, prior to hiring a certification company to conduct an audit.You will have to buy materia ls, pull people in full time and part time, audit and update records. Training will be mandatory for employees and management. The purpose is to show that the costs associated with obtaining and maintaining an ISO 14000 certification as part of an Environmental Management System, can be exceeded by the benefits of doing so. The benefits are not just monetary, but also how the company is viewed in the public eye as well, which is increasingly important in todays global economy.Scope of the Study The majority of the top 100 companies in the United States have already achieved ISO 14000 certification. The identical trend exists in the atomic number 63an Union. The research will look at what is driving the movement towards certification. It will also look at what is required to become certified and to maintain that certification. This will be done through case studies of companies that have already achieved certification, how it has affected their companies and in what ways.The main fo cus being that it makes good business sense, and the excuse thereof. The study concentrates on the business and profit reasons for ISO 14000 registrations, with tertiary scans of ethical issues and applicability of not-for-profit organizations. The study includes brief descriptions of all phases of the ISO 14001 process, with outlines of the various sections of the manual that is an integral part of the process. Rationale of the Study While a lot companies have already achieved ISO 14000 certification many more have not.One of the biggest factors in failure to achieve or to get the company to attempt certification, especially in small and medium size companies, is that often the appointed SME (subject matter expert) has little knowledge as to what is required. It is a task that is added to their current to do list and they are not given the proper resources or time to conduct a thorough study as to what needs to be done, the resources it will require and what is most important in s ome cases, R. O. I. (Return On Investment). This study will help to explain what is required, where to look for information and through case studies show that a positive R.O. I. can be achieved through ISO 14000 certification and the maintenance of the certification. Definition of Terms Climate change An alteration to measured quantities (e. g. precipitation, temperature, radiation, wind and cloudiness) within the climate system that departs significantly from previous average conditions and is seen to endure, bringing about corresponding changes to ecosystems and socio-economic activity. Associated with glasshouse gas emissions, of which fossil fuel combustion and forest decline are contributors.Code of Federal Regulations United Stated Code of Regulations, commonly referred to as CFR is a publication established by and Act of Congress. It documents all regulations issued by federal administrative agencies that have general applicability and legal effect. Ecological or Environme ntal sustainability This entails maintaining an ecosystem an adjacent ecosystem at the same or higher levels as the ecosystem in question to be able to maintain its productivity, adaptability and capacity for renewal. It requires that forest management respects, and builds on, natural processes.EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, In Europe the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) was created and many European countries made implementation of EMAS mandatory for many large manufacturing facilities. EMAS and ISO 14001 are not very different EMAS has two significant elements more than ISO 14001, namely a baseline environmental assessment and a public environmental performance report. Environmental Aspect An element of an organizations activities, products or services that can interact with the environment, whether it be in a positive of negative manner.Environmental Impact Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizatio ns activities, products or services. Gap Analysis One of the initial steps in successful implementation of ISO 14000 is gap analysis. The gap analysis looks at a facilitys written programs, policies, and procedures to see how they compare to the requirements of ISO 14000. Once this analysis is complete a guideline will be established to bring them into compliance to prepare for certificationGlobal Warming The term Global Warming refers to the observation that the atmosphere near the Earths surface is heat, without any implications for the cause or magnitude. This warming is one of many kinds of climate change that the Earth has gone through in the past and will continue to go through in the future. ISO 14000 ISO 14000 is a series of environmental management standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for organizations. The ISO 14000 standards provide a guideline or framework for organizations that need to systematize and improve the ir environmental management efforts.The ISO 14000 standards are not designed to aid the enforcement of environmental laws and do not regulate the environmental activities of organizations. Adherence to these standards is voluntary. The ISO 14001 standard is the most important standard within the ISO 14000 series. ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an environmental management system (EMS) for small to large organizations. An EMS is a systemic approach to handling environmental issues within an organization. The ISO 14001 standard is based on the Plan-Check-Do-Review-Improve cycle.The Plan cycle deals with the beginning stages of an organization becoming ISO 14001-compliant. The Check cycle deals with checking and correcting errors. The Do cycle is the implementation and operation of the ISO 14001 standard within an organization. The Review cycle is a review of the entire process by the organizations top management. And the Improve cycle is a cycle that never ends as an organizat ion continually finds ways to improve their EMS. The entire process can take several months to several years depending on the size of the organization.If an organization is already ISO 9000-certified, the implementation of ISO 14001 does not take as long. When an organization is compliant, they can either register with a third-party registrar or self-declare their compliance. The ISO 14001 standard is the only ISO 14000 standard that allows an organization to be registered. ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a series of standards, developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), that define, establish, and maintain an effective quality assurance system for manufacturing and service industries.The ISO 9000 standard is the most widely known and has perhaps had the most impact of the 13,000 standards published by the ISO. It serves many different industries and organizations as a guide to quality products, service, and management. Kyoto Protocol It is a pact agree d on by governments at a United Nations Conference in Kyoto, Japan 1997 to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by developed countries by 5. 2 percent of 1990 levels during the five-year period 2008-2012. Eighty-four countries have signed the pact and 40 of have ratified it, according to U.N. data. Only one country, which has an emissions target, Romania, has ratified to date. LCA Life-Cycle Assessment is a systematic approach used to manage the environmental impacts of products and service systems, and it is applied at several levels. It tracks the entire life cycle of a product from inception to disposal and looks for environmental impact throughout and how that can be reduced. Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing is an operational strategy point toward achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating waste.It is derived from the Toyota Production System and its key thrust is to increase the value-added work by eliminating waste and reducing incidental work. Th e technique often decreases the time between a customer order and shipment, and it is designed to radically improve profitability, customer satisfaction, throughput time, and employee morale (Lean Manufacturing, n. d). Overview of the Study The study will consider the attributes of ISO 14000 as an Environmental Management System. In this paper the main focus will be to define the quantitative as well as soft benefits for employing an EMS, in our case ISO 14000.While ISO 14000 will be the primary focus, other EMS systems will also be discussed as alternatives and for relative comparisons. The procedures for and the costs of implementation will also be looked at as part of the study. In the process case studies will be studied and discussed through the use of Internet searches, relevant case studies and publications as well as personal experience and interviews with others in the field. This study will attempt to provide methods for justification of perusing certification.It will al so try to give an overview of the process for obtaining certification from the planning stage, through implementation, certification as well as the follow up and continuous improvement required to maintain certification. The Ethical Rationale for Environmental Management Standards Concern for the environment is one of the hallmarks of social concerns during our times. Awareness has been growing since the last quarter of the 20th century. It has snowballed in to a major force. There are signs that countries and people will become increasingly demanding of all organizations with which to deal, in this respect.Though the first world is more influenced by concern for the environment, developing economies are also dragged in to the vortex of global opinion, as electronic media and desire for market access drive even poorer people to conform to conservation standards. Pollution, use of hazardous substances, non-degradable waste and consumption of limited natural resources are the four pri ncipal corners of environmental concerns. Pollution of line of descent and piddle are most perceptible for lay people, but the effects of landfills can be equally devastating.Pesticides and organic solvents lead a series of chemicals with both tart and chronic effects. Mesothelioma is an example of a consequence of exposure to a hazardous substance, the fatal implications of which can surface after decades. Organochlorine pesticides persist in nature almost indefinitely. People at large have become very concerned about such residues and threats that surround them. Women and children are especially vulnerable. The awareness among the public regarding pollution and hazardous material is of high now-a-days.There was protest in India during January, 2006 against the French governments decision to send a decommissioned battleship and military air craft carrier Clemenceau allegedly containing toxic wastes to a ship-breaking yard at Alang on the Coast of Gujarat ,in India. Green peace a ctivists claimed the ship was loaded with hundreds of tones of toxic wastes, including euchre tones of asbestos alone and it was a violation of international Basel convention on trade of hazardous materials. Greenpeace activists claimed that Clemenceau is French property containing hazardous waste on ship and can not allowed to dump this hazardous waste in India .Yielding to the pressure , the French Government finally recalled its decision to scrap the ship in India . The belief of supply chains has spurred thoughts about life cycle analysis. Exhaustive labeling requirements have made people more generally aware that an innocuous finished product may involve the use of hazardous substances. Processed foods are common examples of convenience products that may contain harmful ingredients and sources of infection and contamination. This matter also leads to term of packaging materials that have been traditionally taken for granted.Consumers are now aware that products made from pap er can involve the destruction of forest cover, while shaping has acquired a notorious image for its persistence. This applies to tin and other metals as well. Mercury and other heavy metals in batteries and electronic products are also causes of concern. Clean urine has been in acute shortage in many parts of the third world for some time now, but even developed economies have begun to bother about large-scale use of this precious resource, Ground water contamination and depletion of the ozone layer are other matters that engage much popular attention.Large corporations that generate profits are prime targets for pressures to develop environmental management standards. Companies, whose operations transcend national boundaries, have to be especially careful of their environmental footprints. However, government, social service organizations and small business may all affect the environment in serious and indelible ways. Hence it is possible that environmental management programs may become increasingly universal with the passage of time. It may be concluded that there is a strong ethical foundation for environmental concerns.All organizations irrespective of their size, nature and location, will be subject to pressures to monitor their environmental impacts, and to find ways of reducing or even eliminating all harmful implications of their transactions. The ethical rule has a firm linkage with business reasons for ISO 14000 certifications, as there are societal trends that it soon become a pre-requisite for continuing to be in business. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 2. 1 Introduction Business survival in todays global economy is difficult at best.Today business look for advantage in every possible area and lean manufacturing programs like Six Sigma with its belts levels to parallel karate, Kaizen, 5S and many others have become not just popular but an integral part of maintaining and doing business. How does an Environmental Management System fit into the Lean Culture of business? That is the question that will be studied in this paper through the review of related literature, case studies, interviews, technical periodicals and Internet sources. An overview of lean manufacturing concepts will be given with the focus on integrating an E. M. S.into a companies existing lean program or as part of the implementation of a lean program. While other Environmental Management Systems will be referenced, I. S. O 14000 case studies and statistics will be used in this study. In the United States and the rest of the world I. S. O. 14000 is a recognized standard for Environmental Management Systems, much the same as ISO 9000 is for quality systems. The literature reviewed in this paper was selected for relevance to either a single topic, Lean Manufacturing, I. S. O. 14000 or the integration of the EMS into the lean manufacturing system and will be reviewed in that order.By the process of lean manufacturing, Toyota, the world greatest manu facturer, consistently makes the highest quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer by using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory and half the floor space of its competitors.